Thursday, March 06, 2008

Know & Tell #9

I normally post Know & Tell on Saturday, but I will not be near a computer tomorrow until late in the evening. We are camping out at the Fairgrounds tonight and participating in Relay for Life. Enjoy and have a wonderful weekend!

  1. What made you start blogging? My friend, Lori, introduced me to the world of blogging in 2005. I began blogging after Hurricane Wilma hit and have been blogging ever since.
  2. Do you speak a foreign language? If so why or how did you learn it? I actually took French as a senior in high school, but can't speak a word of it today. In fact, my French teacher signed my yearbook in French and I have no clue what it says.
  3. Morning person or night owl (or somewhere in between)? I'm neither a morning person nor a night owl. I'd say I'm more of a daytime person. Not that I go to bed early but I can't stay up as late as I used to.
  4. Do you exercise on a regular basis? No and you can tell it in many different ways. I am however about to purchase a bicycle and start riding every night.

Bonus Questions
  1. If money were not an object what is one thing you would like to do for another person? If I could afford it I would love to adopt or be a foster parent to children. I've said many times that if I could afford to adopt some of my children's friends I would in a heart beat.
  2. What is one of your favorite attributes of God? He has so many wonderful attributes that it's hard to narrow it down to just one. One is his sovereignty over all things. It amazes me to think he holds all things in the palm of his hand and it's a comfort to know he controls all things. Another would be his mercy and grace that has been poured out into my life. I shudder to think of where I would be if he had not called me to himself.
  3. Have you ever thought about adoption or foster care? Yes, see question about money not being an object.


  1. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Post what your French teacher wrote in your yearbook and I'll be happy to translate it for you.

  2. I'd be glad to post it, but first I want to know who is translating it.

  3. Anonymous4:20 PM

    I prefer to remain anonymous. I'm sorry if this is a problem. If you change your mind in the future I'll be happy to do the translation for you.

  4. I'll have to dig out the old yearbook and do a post so anonymous can translate what the French teacher wrote all those years ago.

  5. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Anonymous will be waiting...........

  6. Guess anonymous didn't see the post today where I posted what the French teacher wrote in the yearbook.
