Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men

Once upon a time there was a blog that was updated daily or at the very least weekly. That was before the administrator of said blog discovered Facebook and began to neglect her blog. Someone call and report Blog Abuse! For fear of being reported here's a quick update of our lives. . .

We have visited family over the past two months making trips to North Florida and South Georgia. Our time with them was sweet and as always never long enough. In October we celebrated my dad's birthday with family and returned in November for Thanksgiving. During our visit in November we traveled 4 hours north to watch my Alma Mater play in their State Playoffs (sadly they were defeated) with my baby brother and his wife. The kids experienced their first Florida State/University of Florida game (FSU won!).

Over the past month we have experienced the death of two dear friends and mourned the loss yet rejoiced in knowing they have seen the face of their Savior.

David is now registered for 3 pre requiste classes at Palm Beach State and once he completes them will once again apply to Florida State University where he plans on majoring in Business with a minor in Marketing.

Angela is half way through her junior year and is looking forward to Christmas break. She is doing Stats for the High School Soccer team and dating a very sweet young man.

Christmas is only a week away and we just put the tree up Sunday evening and I have not bought the first gift. We are all anticipating what the New Year will bring and look forward to see what God has in store for us.