Thursday, July 08, 2010

Insecurities, I so hate you! Spent two months going through a book that was about overcoming our insecurities and still I am clinging to them. You'd think I could just get over it already. Just when I think I'm doing good - bam you raise your ugly head and take control again.

Relationships are the biggest arena for my insecurities to show up. I'll be going along just fine and dandy - bam the voices begin to whisper "you aren't good enough, you've got to be kidding yourself." And they get louder and louder. Until it's the only voice I hear.

I have a tendency to push for more than the one I'm in a relationship with is willing or ready to give. It's always been a downfall in my relationships thus far. I recognize when I'm doing it, but it's like I can't control it no matter how hard I try. A lot of that is insecurity and I realize that.

I also realize that I am free in expressing my feelings and expect others to be the same way. It's annoying, I'm sure, and can feel smothering to the one on the other side of the relationship. When I fall, I fall hard and want that from the one I am with.

So what's wrong with me? Why can't I just be satisfied with where things are and take it one day at a time? Why do I constantly expect more?

Oh to just be able to figure it out and defeat the insecurities before they raise the voices start.