Sunday, June 29, 2008

What's Up with That ?

Our community was shocked this week as Governor Crist and US Sugar (the major employer in the city) announced a $1.75 billion deal with US Sugar to sell its nearly 300 square miles of land (along with other assets) to Florida for Everglades restoration. Many residents and workers are pondering life in a company town without a company and wondering how the community will survive.

The sale of the nation's largest producer of cane sugar means 1,700 workers will be left jobless, not to mention the spinoff effects on Clewiston businesses that depend on them as customers. U.S. Sugar is the heart of Clewiston, literally -- the town is built around the company's two-story red brick headquarters, and the mill is just down the road.

The mood around town is a mixture of anxiousness, anger and fear. We are facing the unknown. There are those that are looking on the bright side and I guess that is a good thing. I worry about the 1,700 people that will be without jobs in 6 years and those of us that do not work directly for US Sugar but will feel the effects in some way or another.

My biggest question (aside from where will these people find jobs and how will this town survive) is how does Crist justify cutting our education budget and then make an announcement such as this. What's more important Charlie our children or the everglades?

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