Monday, November 26, 2007

Spiritual Adultery

In scripture God often chooses imagery related to marital unfaithfulness to communicate the nature and seriousness of sin. God is seen throughout His word as a faithful husband who is jealous for an exclusive relationship to his bride (that would be believers). When we sin (are unfaithful to), God is seen as a rejected lover and he is angered (righteously) and grieved.

I had never thought of sin as spiritual adultery until I was preparing for this week's lesson. In her book, Holiness: The Heart God Purifies, DeMoss uses the imagery of an adulterous relationship between a husband and wife to drive home how our sin grieves God. Here is an excerpt from this weeks chapter:

Imagine your mate walking in the door and saying in a casual tone of voice, "By the way, honey, I've been carrying on a little affair with that gal who works down the hall from me. Nothing serious, really - just a fling. OK, I'll admit we've slept together - but probably not more than six or seven times. I want you to know that I still love you, and I really hope you'll stay with me and keep meeting my needs." Worse yet, imagine how you would feel if your mate refused to break off the illicit relationship, but continued to sleep with his girlfriend once or twice a week, month after month, year after year, all the while insisting that he really love you and wanted to keep living with you when he wasn't with her. (pg 69 -70)

I don't know about you, but when viewing my sin in this light it brings about a whole new perspective regarding sin.

Father, would you open my eyes to see the sin in my life. I am so tuned to looking for sin in other people's lives. A lot of times I miss, I know a lot of times I miss, those sins, those things in my own life that are destroying my vision and keeping me from seeing you correctly. Lord, help me to view sin as You do and to take it as seriously as You do and to realize my great need for repentance every time I choose my way against Your way. Give me the gift of repentance, I pray, that I might grieve and mourn with all my hearts over that which breaks Your heart. Thank You that when I mourn over my sins, I will be comforted and I will receive mercy. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

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