Monday, July 16, 2007


Have you ever stopped to think how our society is a "I want it now" society? I admit that patience is something I struggle with daily. I notice it when I'm driving (and Clewiston isn't a metropolitan area by any means), when I'm standing in line at Wal-Mart checking out, when I'm at the drive thru of a fast food chain, or any given moment. I am part of that society that wants things "now" and waiting is not something I enjoy doing. However, it is clear in God's Word that he desires us to wait. There are around 135 references regarding waiting in scripture. I don't know about you, but when I see that many references to a word in scripture it tells me this is important subject matter. As I've thought about this today I found this quote:
Wait on God and He will work, but don't wait in spiritual sulks because you
cannot see an inch in front of you! Are we detached enough from our own
spiritual hysterics to wait on God? To wait is not to sit with folded hands, but
to learn to do what we are told." ~ Oswald Chambers
So I leave you with this thought: Since patience is one of the fruits of the Spirit, time must be a special quality of the character of God himself. I find that remarkable - - even God must wait patiently for the fulfillment of his own plan for Redemption. So who are we to grumble when we are told to wait? My prayer is that I would wait, and find joy in the waiting. Too many times I've had to learn over and over the lesson of patience only after I've spent all my energies and manipulations trying to do things in my time instead of God's time and God telling me yet again,"It's not going to happen the way or the moment you want it to. You must wait."

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