Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Pray for Our Church

As I have mentioned in previous posts our Pastor and his family are moving to Edinburgh, Scotland. This past Sunday was their last Sunday with us. Not only are we going to miss them, but our church will be going through a transitional time as we search for the man God intends to Pastor our church. During this time I would ask that all who read this would be praying for our church during this time. Pray especially for our Youth Pastor, Jonathan Brooks, as he will be taking on other responsibilites as he serves as Interim Pastor. This will be a challenging time for him as he steps up to the added responsibilites as well as continuing to lead our youth. Pray also for his wife, Lori, as she supports and encourages him in this new role. Pray that they would have time as a family and that the Lord will raise up people to take on some of the responsibilities to help Jonathan in this time. Pray for our Staff Search Committee and our Deacons as they continue to interview potential candidates. Pray for our church members to be united and willing to serve where needed. Also, pray for me that I will be an encouragement to Jonathan and other leaders of this church and that I will be willing to serve wherever I'm asked to serve.

1 comment:

  1. Ginnie , We will pray for them and for the church.
    Love your brother.
