Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My "Yea But"

John Wesley once visited General Oglethorpe, governor of the colony of Georgia. The General mentioned a man who had angered him and said, "I shall never forgive him!" Wesley replied, "Then I hope, sir, you never sin."

At different times in my life I have lived with deep resentments toward someone who has done me wrong or has offended me. And at times I have allowed that resentment to turn into burning anger and rage. Even in the midst of those feelings, I know it's wrong. Living without mercy is a prelude to dying without mercy. However, when I show mercy to others it will result in my being treated with mercy. Jesus said, "Blessed are the mericful: for they will be shown mercy" (Matthew 5:7)

The word "mercy" appears several times in Scripture. Sometimes it is depicted as "mercy", at others, "kindness," or "loving kindness." Mercy, as demonstrated by Jesus, involves the way a person truly feels. Mercy is to see others as Christ sees them and feel toward others as he feels toward them. In short, mercy is to have the attitude of Christ toward everyone. It is unconditional and equal compassion and forgiveness for everyone - - even when they don't deserve kindness or forgiveness. God shows his love and mercy to each one of us in that "while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). If I have an attitude of mercy, my actions will reflect it. Having a merciful heart makes itself known in a multitude of ways by your actions.

If I show mercy as God has shown me mercy, I will be kind and gracious to others and quick to forgive. I will always look for the best in people. Redemption, not condemnation, will be my concern. If I am merciful, I will strive to lighten the loads of others by my actions, not by just my words and feelings. Even when I may have every right to be resentful, the practice of mercy will help me to forgive. Happiness will then come from reflecting on God's mercy to me and from knowing I have shown mercy, a characteristic of God himself.

I have the head knowledge, but I need to start applying it.

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