Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Who Am I Trying to Please?

Do you dash around trying to make everyone happy? Does it bother you if someone doesn't like you?

If you answered YES to any (or all) of those questions I can so relate with you. Seriously, it will eat away at me if I think that someone doesn't think highly of me. I know it, I'm a grown woman for goodness sake, why should it bother if someone doesn't think highly of me. Why do I care? Because, for far too long, I have been a people pleaser! I hate to admit that, but it is true, oh so true. But I would venture to say that quite a few people can relate to that very statement too! Am I right?

I love this verse I found in 1 Thessalonians 2:4b, "We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts."

Be a God pleaser, not a people pleaser! Until I STOP trying to please everyone else and START trying to please God I will forever be stuck in that cycle of being a people pleaser. Here is a little bit of truth that I am beginning to understand. . . I can't be everything to everyone, so I just have to try to to be the best ME that I can be for HIM. Because in all reality HE is the only one that it really matters what He thinks of me. Right? If I want to be a woman who lives with a passionate purpose then I can do it for HIS glory!

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