Saturday night Michelle Dowdle and I took 8 youth to Sound Advice Amphitheatre in West Palm Beach to the "How Great is Our God" concert. The concert consisted of artists Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, and speaker, Louie Giglio. The concert was awesome! Louie Giglio continued on the theme from the Indescrible tour last year explaining from Scripture how small we are in comparsion to the Creation that God created. He once again showed pictures of the galaxies and how small earth is. It was absoultely mind blowing. He talked about how God created us and went into scientific detail of how our bodies are made (dna, molecules, genes, etc.) During his presentation he talked about a molecule within our bodies that hold our bodies together called Laminin, which is a a component of connective tissue basement membrane and that promotes cell adhesion. He then showed a picture of this molecule. It was in the shape of a cross. He went further to explain that it should be no surprise that our bodies are held together by something that looks like a cross and referred to Colossians 1:16- 17: "
For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities--all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together." Several of our youth have told me that Louie's presentation was mind blowing yet refreshing!

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