David picked up his tuxedo today for Prom. I made him try it on just in case there was any adjustments that we needed to make. Prom is on Saturday in West Palm Beach at the Airport Hilton. He is taking Abigail Ruiz. He met Abi in 7th grade and they did not get along. In 8th grade they didn't have classes together and then she moved away in 9th grade. She moved back to Clewiston in 10th grade and they became very good friends. I never thought David would be attending his high school prom since he isn't much on dancing or crowds. He asked Abi to prom about two months ago and she had no interest in going. After that all talk about prom ceased until two weeks ago when Abi called him and asked if he still wanted to take her to prom. He told her yes and the rest will be history after Saturday. Watch for pictures of them. For now. . . here David is sporting his tuxedo in my office.

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