I enjoy reading books that help me grow in relationships. A Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George is just one of the many books I have read that have encouraged me to strive even more. In this book Elizabeth George shares insights based on her own life and from Scripture on how a woman is to pursue her relationship with God, her husband, and her children. She also shares how this relationships play out in a woman's home and how it ministers to others.
Women today are are under an enormous amount of pressure to have it all, do it all, and be all that is expected of us. It's easy in our stressful, frenetic world to lose sight of the important things like family and our walk with the Lord. I think many of us desire to be a woman after God's own heart, if we just knew how. Each chapter in this book describes a special kind of heart; a praying heart, a heart devoted to God, an obedient heart, a heart that encourages, a heart that values you being a mother, a heart that seeks first things first.(the list goes on and on) and each chapter spoke to me in a special way. She holds out the hope that even in the midst of our fast-paced modern lives, it actually is possible to be the kind of woman God wants us to be.
The most important thing this book teaches (married or single) women is that God wants us to put HIM first at all times.
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