Tonight was David's senior prom. I feel old saying that it's his senior prom. It doesn't seem like 24 years ago I attended my senior prom. It's funny thinking back to my senior prom. . . like David I went with one of my best friends. However, our prom was in the same town as our high school unlike David's. He had to drive to West Palm Beach for his prom. It is being held at the Airport Hilton. I had a good time teasing him all afternoon. He finally started getting ready at 3:30 this afternoon. He is such a handsome kid. He picked Abi up at her house around 4:45 pm and returned to our house so I could take pictures of them. She is a beautiful young lady. They left here going to Outback and then to the prom. He bought her one of her favorite movies "Happy Feet" and is planning on giving it to her at dinner. He will be home somewhere around 11:30 p.m. since Abi's parents requested she be home at 11:00 p.m. And he thought I was bad saying midnight!

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