Monday, June 05, 2006

Book Review: Humility: True Greatness by C.J. Mahaney

I have just finished reading Humility: True Greatness by C.J. Mahaney. I was amazed that this 170 page book could be packed with so much wisdom and biblical insight. Mahaney teaches why humility is important, what it looks like, where it comes from, and how to cultivate it in our lives. This book is biblical, helpful, and practical and it's also devastating for our pride when we heed its message. Mahaney never seems to stray too far from the heart of gospel. The book is divided into three parts which made it much easier to follow for me. The first two sections I have previously written about. The third part of this book book becomes extremely practical. Mahaney offers seven chapters of helpful suggestions which flesh out the biblical truth he has been teaching. Mahaney begins this practical section with this piercing comment: “It’s possible to admire humility while remaining proud ourselves. I’m very aware that it’s possible for me even now to be teaching on humility while neglecting pride in my own heart. And at this moment you may be deceiving yourself into thinking that you are making progress against pride simply because you are reading a book about humility.” Ouch! What a good reminder that we don’t grow through insight but through applying insight. While these seven chapters are an exposition of Mahaney’s “life list” of ways he cultivates pride. They are not to be followed legalistically but as wise suggestions. He encourages us to develop our own list and to purposefully put it into action.

How to Weaken Pride and Cultivate Humility (pg. 171-172)

  1. (Always)Reflect on the wonder of the cross of Christ.
  2. Begin your day by acknowledging your dependence upon God and your need for God.
  3. Begin your day expressing gratitude to God
  4. Practice the spiritual disciplines - prayer, study of God's Word, worship. Do this consistently each day and at the day's outset, if possible.
  5. Seize your commute time to memorize and meditate on Scripture.
  6. Cast your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.
  7. At the end of the day, transfer the glory to God.
  8. Before going to sleep, receive this gift of sleep from God and acknowledge His purpose for sleep.
  9. Study the attributes of God.
  10. Study the doctrines of grace.
  11. Study the doctrine of sin.
  12. Play golf as much as possible.
  13. Laugh often, and laugh often at yourself.
  14. Identify evidences of grace in others.
  15. Encourage and serve others each and every day.
  16. Invite and pursue correction.
  17. Respond humbly to trials.

Martyn Lylod-Jones wrote the following about the surest way to pursue humility: There is only one thing I know of that crushes me to the ground and humiliates me to the dust, and that is to look at the Son of God, and especially contemplate the cross.

When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of glory died,
My richest gain I count but loss,
And pour contempt on all my pride.

Nothing else can do it. When I see that I am a sinner. . . that nothing but the Son of God on the cross can save me, I'm humbled to the dust. . . Nothing but the cross can give us this spirit of humility. (pg.66)

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