Last night we hosted the youth afterglow in our home. Afterglows are held twice a month for any youth that attend the Sunday evening worship service. This gives the youth an opportunity to fellowship, eat and play games together at one of their homes (sometimes they are held at a Sunday School teachers or the youth pastor's home). We all enjoyed pizza, cookies, and a game of
"In a Pickle". We had 4 youth including David and two of David's college friends, Tommy and David attend. Pastor Jonathan, Lori and Hannah were there as well. Angela joined us after going to the United Methodist Church youth group. Hannah fell in love with Whiskers and Vanilla. We had never hosted an afterglow until last night but look forward to hosting other ones in the future. Maybe we can convince some of the girls from our youth group to start attending since last night and previous afterglows seem to draw more boys than girls.
Sounds like everyone had a great time. Sounds like Pastor Johnaton is doing some great things with the youth. I know david really looks up to him. And i'm sure everyone is very happy you opened your home for them.