Angela and the rest of the youth group arrived home safely this morning at 1:30 a.m. She had a great week doing service projects and spending time with everyone there, including the new friends she met during the week. Her favorite part of the trip was being at the work site where she painted the inside of an entire house, edged a sidewalk, and witnessed to people in the neighborhood. Some of the group helped paint the house, painted 2 playgrounds and tilled 3 playgrounds to lay new mulch. When they weren't at the work site they were at worship service and spending time on their own swimming in the creek just down from the college and eating. One day while out swimming in the creek some of the boys had to run a water mocassion out before they got in. That's the difference between she and I. . . I wouldn't have gotten in the creek after the snake had been spotted for fear that he would return. They departed from camp on Friday morning and spent the afternoon in Cherokee, North Carolina. Once back at the cabin they swam at the lake. On Saturday morning they started their long trip home. It's great to have her home and listening to her tales from the week.
Angela and Jeri Lynne
Martin & Angela
Kristin & Angela
Here are some links that I believe will be interested