Stay off the sidewalks everybody David can now officially drive without a parent in the vehicle with him. He passed his driving test on Friday afternoon. I have yet to let him take the van out on the road without me. But the day is coming when I will be comfortable letting my baby boy drive without me. I was nervous as he drove off Friday with the examiner as I stood in front of the DMV office. He did well as I knew he would. When asked about how the test went he said she asked him what is the proper way to park on a hill? He replied that you park with your wheels turned (whichever way I forgot the correct answer) and put the vehicle in park. She asked, "Then what?" He told her he didn't know. "Put on your emergency brake", she replied. "Well, I live in South Florida and we don't have hills but I will remember that, " David replied. My son always the smart mouth.
After leaving the DMV we went to add him to onto the auto insurance. I was pleasantly surprised when the agent told me my insurance premium would only increase $54 per month. Not bad since I have heard other parents saying their insurance tripled. Since he has a job I'm sure he won't mind giving me the extra every month (only joking).
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