The City of Clewiston sponsored their first Spring Cleaning today. Over 150 people came together in our community to pick up trash from the roadsides in our "sweet town". We all met at the youth center at 7:30 this morning to receive our assignment, trash bags, and breakfast. Then we headed out to our various destinations to pick up trash until 11:00 a.m. Various groups from the community included some of First Baptist Church Youth Group, a Senior Adult Sunday School Class from First Baptist Church, the Methodist Church, Sugar Realty, Lions Club, Camp E-Tu-Makee, Clewiston High School Students, and City Employees. After cleaning up our assigned areas we returned to the youth center for lunch, a drawing for tickets to the local movie theatre (donated by the owner), and the awarding of a prize for the most unique trash collected. Dana Jo Alley won the prize for the most unique piece of trash (a 1961 Mountain Dew bottle).
I joined our youth group for the day. My hat goes off to this young group of men and their hard work this morning. It was wonderful to see them out participating in a community event and giving back to the community. They demonstrated service to others as well as their humor. Laughter could be heard from all of them instead of grumbling. I think they think twice now before throwing something along the roadside.
A big thank you to Sean Scheffler for organizing this event. And to quote Rick Miller, City Commissioner, "this is what a community is all about. . . people coming together."

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