Thursday, April 06, 2006

Nanny 911 - Want to Learn How to Raise Perfect Kids?

I'm ordering this book! NOT But someone happens to think it might be a great resource for me and a friend. My friend was actually told that she needed to call Nanny 911 to come to straighten her and her daughter out. Not 2 hours later this same person was telling me that I needed to put a leash on my daughter. I can take criticism from anyone as long as it's done in a kind way. But I will get very defensive when you start telling me that what I am doing is not the right way it is to be done. I know as a mom I'm still learning each day and I'm always open to suggestions. In fact, I constantly seek guidance from friends, my parents, my sibilings who have older children and from God's word. And many times when I've sought others for advice it wasn't always what I wanted to hear. Sometimes it was convicting and made me examine myself and to listen to what was being said. I appreciate people being willing to give advice (even in cases where I haven't asked for it), but what I don't appreciate is someone being rude and hurtful when they do so. Even now after being the one that was made to feel like a failure I'm examining myself to see if I've done someone else like I was done. If I have I am so sorry. I want to be an encourager to others not someone that insults.


  1. Anonymous7:12 AM

    You hit the nail on the head. It is so much easier to take advice when it is given properly. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to deliver their advice or how to be polite. Don't question yourself. :-)

  2. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Well there is one thing that I can say on this matter, YOu do a great job of raising my nephew and my niece, Yes they are always going to be area's that we are better at than other area's, But the way I see it niether one of the young adults that you have aised have ever had any trouble with the law, school, church or with there family. I for one can also say that they have 3 little kids that look up to them for how they live there life. So to me you have done and will continue to do a fine job.

  3. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Well the way I see it, This person is probably not happy with the way there child is behavein and wants to drag other people down. From what i have seen over time is that people who give this type of help are most time not happy with there self.
