Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A Big Thank You

After the trophies were presented to our girls by the AYSO league we got together as a group with our team. Coach Hiro thanked all the parents for their dedication in getting the girls to practice and scrimmage games leading up to the state games. He then had each girl present their parents with thank you notes they had written last week prior to traveling to Ocala. My read as follows:
Dear Mom,
Thank you for everything you have done for me this soccer season. Like spending money. . . wait you do that every day (ha-ha)! Dealing with the attitude that I have and my stinky feet. What I am trying to say is thank you for your support! I wouldn't have made it this far without you. Love You,Angela
Hiro, Irma and Arnold not only taught these girls all season the skills of soccer, but they also taught them to appreciate each win and to appreciate the support and love their parents give them. I've heard Hiro say on more than one occassion that there are children out there that don't have the support and love of their parents and the girls should treasure and appreciate their parents.
After Hiro presented the parents with their thank you notes he then presented the girls with a state champion charm that the Clewiston AYSO purchased for each them. Wear it proudly girls you deserve it and worked hard to get it!

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