Saturday, December 13, 2008

Photo Editing

I've been teaching myself how to edit pictures. I'm becoming more comfortable with the editing software that I currently have (a downloaded trial version of Adobe Photoshop). I have been searching online for a less expensive photo editing software and found this one that I think I will enjoy. In the meantime I 've enjoyed learning by trial and error. Today I practiced on applying filters. Filters let you change the look of your images, for instance by giving them the appearance of impressionistic paintings or mosaic tiles, or adding unique lighting or distortions. You can also use some filters to clean up or retouch your photos. Here are the results from today.

I used the Craqueluring filter which paints an image onto a high-relief plaster surface, producing a fine network of cracks that follow the contours of the image. Use this filter to create an embossing effect with images that contain a broad range of color or grayscale values.

Editing was done on this one(above) by using the render filter and then the lens flare. I choose the movie prime option and set the brightness at 62%. Lens flare simulates the refraction caused by shining a bright light into the camera lens.
The stylize filters produce a painted or impressionistic effect on a selection by displacing pixels and by finding and heightening contrast in an image. The wind option (shown below) places tiny horizontal lines in the image to create a windblown effect.


  1. Hi Ginnie
    Enjoy your blog esp the recent one about photography. I take pictures too and have 2 digital cameras. I travel quite frequent and extra camera is handy when a battery runs out. But I am not good at editing. I am fogetful and computer language is quite baffling to me. So my photos are not so exotic - very unimaginative.
    I am a single mum too living in Malaysia. If you're interested you can surf my blog at but I write mostly about my life now and past.There might be some cross-cultural aspect you might find baffling.
    Keep on learning to finetune your photos. I would enjoy it.

  2. Zu,
    Thank you for the encouragement. I visited your blog a little tonight and look forward to visiting it again. I really enjoyed the pictures from your blog post "road trip to east and north Malaysia.
