Friday, August 07, 2009

Only Trust Him

The last 3 months have been filled with many emotions ranging from sorrow to excitement. In April our Senior Pastor passed away. During my time at the church as a member and an employee I have experienced many things, but I never would have thought I would experience the death of a pastor. Within the body we have experienced pastors leaving for one reason or another, but this was a first (and I pray a last). I have been encouraged to see my Father's guidance and divine providence, grace, mercy and love poured out among His people. Just as God in history led His children, He continues to lead them today.

At times, I confess, I have doubted and stressed over the circumstances we were facing. I have a fear of the unknown. Who would lead us? Would we be united? But God in his infinite wisdom knew from the beginning of time the outcome over the last 3 months. The only thing I really needed to do was to seek the Father and pray that his will, not my own, be done. I will never be able to look into the future and see what lies ahead, but there is one who does.

While I feel like the storm is calming, I know that there will be more storms to come. But how sweet it is to look back and testify to God's sovereignty through it all. Just a few of the ways I've seen God at work within this body:
  • protection, comfort and shepherding of Katherine and her boys during this time .
  • members loving and caring for one another.
  • Joshua (our associate pastor) and his wife (Cari) loving and ministering not only to Katherine and her boys but the church body as well.
  • Joshua's godly counsel and leadership to the church body.
  • Todd (worship pastor - now senior pastor) loving, leading and serving a church body he hardly knew yet faithfully surrendering to God's call to become the senior pastor of our church.
  • Ginger (Todd's wife) as she's prayed and supported this body and her husband from miles away.
  • Our deacons faithfully serving and supporting the pastors wherever needs arose.
  • Our church family uniting in love as we prayerfully sought God's will.
The list could go on and on, but it has been marvelously evident that God has a plan for us, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11). We may at times doubt, but all we truly need to do is look around to see that He truly works all things together for good for those that love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

It's with joy and great excitement that I look forward to see how and where God will lead us in the days to come.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:01 PM

    You write well. You should publsh your thoughts some day.

