I was created to delight in a God who delights in me.
God delights to show me mercy (Micah 7)
Nothing dictates our lives like our desires - People do what people want to do. A legitimate heart desire is a sustained longing that is unaffected by mood or surroundings.
Beneath the desires of our heart is the heart of our desires - keep praying! What is under the layer of that desire. Is destiny or God's glory at stake?
Delighting in God adapts our desires into inevitability - when we delight in God there is a wonder. Give me a heart that delights in you.
Ask God to give you specifics to work on in your life - wanting to be a woman of God is too general - move to a more focused desire (deal with grief, addiction, tongue).
Nothing external can steal our right to delight. If we don't delight it's not external, it's internal. We can't blame people or circumstances if we don't delight in Him.
Every man desires unfailing love - Proverbs 19:22
What's taking a bite out of my personal delight? Look to the JAW
J- jealousy (desire tinged with envy -John Piper).Who am I jealous of?
A- anger - refrain from it - what am I mad about? Anger is constricting - delight is freeing. Anger has a degree of grief. There is always a degree of sadness in madness.
W - worry - to eat or gnaw into . . . to affect something by biting or gnawing it. Worrying never changes it. When we worry the thing we worry about ends up looking like a raw hide bone that a dog has been gnawing on. God can control it but I have no control.
We want everyone and everything to get fixed so we can be happy.

Commit - roll your burdens upon Christ. Some of us have no delight because we refuse to commit.
Our behavior betrays our beliefs.
Fill yourself with holy passions.
Way = journey, your road, passage, course of life. Our rear ends are sore from sitting on the fence.
Nothing is passive about patiently waiting for desire to turn into delight.
Be still (v.7) stop, hold your peace, be silent. Sometimes we need to SHUT UP. There is a danger of being doers and not hearers. Learn to listen. Before you pass on a truth, receive it and meditate on it.
Wait = anxious expectations. Chiyal - to twist or to twirl - to bring forth.
Nor is glory piled upon glory good for you (Proverbs 25:27 - The Message). Self glory is not good for us. The biggest offense we can commit is arrogance. God will go to great lengths to protect our humility. Humility brings intimacy with Christ.
Til faith becomes sight trust in God and do good. Faith will become sight. Speak faith to each other.
Trust him and do good. If my objective is to be right and proven right this is not the right attitude.
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:21)
Don't sit back waiting to be proved right, get out and do some good.
Dwell in the Land - I have an inheritance. Until I receive it dwell in the land where God has placed me.
Safe pastures: feed on his faithfulness
v. 13 - the Lord sees the evil and he will deal with it.