Monday, May 25, 2009

We Bow Down

We bow down
And we worship You Lord
We bow down
And we worship You Lord
We bow down
And we worship You Lord
King of all kings You will be

We bow down
And we crown You the King
We bow down
And we crown You the King
We bow down
And we crown You the King
King of all kings You will be

You are Lord of creation
And Lord of my life
Lord of the land and the sea
You were Lord of the heavens
Before there was time
Lord of all lords You will be

You are King of creation
And King of the heavens
Before there was time
And King of all kings You will be

We sang this song today during worship and then this evening our worship pastor preached on surrendering to God. What a beautiful day of worship. I've been thinking about what it means to surrender to God and his will.

Someone told about a man who went to a country store to find that Bob, the clerk that normally waited on him, was not there. After purchasing his items, the man asked the manager about Bob. The manager told him that Bob had been fired. "Who took his place? the man inquired. The manager replied, "Bob didn't leave no place."

When we die, we aren't going to leave a place either. Our human nature is self-absorbed and we simply can't imagine a world where we are not present. If surrendering to God does one thing it increases the realization that we aren't that important. We realize that God doesn't need our help. He was doing just fine before he created us and he will continue to do fine long after we have died. God does as he pleases, without our help. God's thoughts are not our thoughts, and his ways are not our ways; we are finite, and he is infinite, we are sojourners, he is eternal. It helps to remember these things as we surrender to God.

Another story is told about a man, Jim, who visited the church every day at noon. The pastor's study was positioned in a place where he could see Jim coming each day. After several months, the pastor began to wonder what Jim was doing and he decided to ask. He stopped Jim on his way out of the church and said, "Jim, I've been watching you come to this church ever day at noon and to be honest, I've wondered what you were doing." "Nothing big, Pastor." replied Jim. "I just come and stand in front of the cross and say, 'Jesus, it's Jim.' A couple of weeks later while the pastor was on vacation, Jim was in a car accident and was taken to the hospital. When the pastor returned he went to the hospital to see Jim. As soon as the pastor walked in the hospital he noticed that something was different- the switchboard operator was kinder, the nurses were more thoughtful and the doctors actually took time to stop and talk. Not understanding what was happening the pastor asked a nurse who was member of his church about the difference he noticed. She said, "You are right. It's Jim. Since he has been here, things have been different." The pastor went on to visit Jim and asked him what he had done to cause the change. "It's not me," Jim said. "Every day at noon, Jesus comes and stands at the foot of my bed and says, "Jim, it's Jesus." When we surrender to God, our agenda fades. Instead a life surrendered to God simply tells God that it has come and that whatever his plan is, it is fine.

There is coming a day when every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. But oh the joy of willing bowing the knee and confessing with our mouths prior to that day! Surrender, hang on and watch what he does.

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