The Women of Faith Conference was wonderful! It was encouraging to hear women of the faith share their testimonies throughout the weekend in ways that encouraged other women. Some of the speakers would have me in tears, while others made me laugh. It was amazing to be seated in an arena with thousands of other women (from all walks of life) and all be rejoicing because we realize how blessed we are that God's infinite grace has been poured out into our lives.
As I've reflected on this weekend I've thought about the way I sometimes look at other Christian women and think, "they have it all together" not realizing that they struggle at times just as I do. One of the speakers made the statement that we are more alike than we are different. I realized that this weekend. There are none of us on this side of glory that "have it all together" and guess what, We won't until we stand in the presence of God. I'm not alone in pursuing the goal God has set before me and I will attain it just like Patsy Clairmont, Lucy Swindoll, Jan Silvious and the rest of the speakers. . . by God's infinite grace!
Anita Renfroe was the only speaker that didn't bring tears to my eyes (okay, so one time) when she was on stage. She is a comedian, musician, speaker, and author. She is definitely one that comes out and says what we are all thinking. You gotta love a women that can do this. . .
and when asked by Dad's where their song is comes up with this. . .
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