1. Pepsi or coke? Pepsi, I thought everyone in the South preferred Pepsi over Coke.
2. Barefoot or shoes? Barefoot of course. Although I do have a closet full of shoes.
3. If you watch American Idol – who do you want to win? David A or David C. I don't watch American Idol, but my kids do. However I can't remember who they want to win out of these two options.
4. If money was not an option and you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? Greece or Paris, they have a romantic ring to them.
5. Is your desk messy or clean? Clean, I can't work with a messy desk.
6. When it's sunny, all I want to do is....... lie on the beach and read a good book.
7. What is your favorite word and why? I Love You. . . not sure it's my favorite word, but my kids tell me I'm always saying it. I can't count the number of times a day I tell them I love them.
Those are my favorite words too!