1. What achievement are you most proud of? Only by the grace of God, can I be proud to have two children that I have had the privilege of raising that are for the most part respective, responsible and loving.
2. Do you like your spouse’s/significant other’s name? I don't have a spouse or a significant other, so this question doesn't apply.
3. What is the most unique name you’ve ever heard a person have? I'm not so sure it's unique, but I love the name our friends, Tim and Krisy, named their son. . . Greyson.
4. Which would you rather be: divinely beautiful, dazzlingly clever, or angelically good? (From Anne of Green Gables!) Dazzlingly clever. Beauty fades and none of us will ever be angelically good this side of eternity.
5. What is it about your wardrobe that is your trademark, uniquely you?
6. Which is worse: no tv or no music? No music. . . I prefer music over television any day.
7. You’re stranded on a deserted island and you can have with you: 1 friend or family member, 1 item from your kitchen and 1 public figure (politician/actor/author). Who/what would you choose? I would say my kids, but being I can only choose one I'd want my dad there. He is full of wisdom and I would need his wisdom to get off the island not to mention he has always made me feel safe and secure throughout the rough times in my life. If he was not living at the time I got stranded on a deserted island I would choose my best friend, Tom. He also is full of wisdom and makes me feel safe, but most of all he's the one I can spend hours talking to and never get bored.