Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The older I get it seems the years fly by. It's hard to believe that in less than 13 hours another year will have come and gone. Where does the time go? What was accomplished in the year 2008? What will be accomplished in the year ahead? Uncertainty abounds and each of us will experience different depths and widths of uncertainty. Some of us will be looking behind and others will be looking ahead. Many will be going through this coming year wishing that time would rush by and others will be wishing for time to stand still. Whatever it is you are wishing for in 2009 I pray that it would be to make a difference in someone's live, to grow in a your relationship with Christ (and if you don't have a personal relationship with Christ that you would have one before 2009 ends) and that your time, money and talents would be used to glorify Christ.
Have a blessed, safe, and happy new year!
Have a blessed, safe, and happy new year!
Daily Life
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
More Learning. . .

One of the Christmas gifts from David and Angela was Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2 Ultimate. It arrived yesterday and I have so much to learn. I can't wait to learn more as I get accustomed to this new software.
Daily Life
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I love this quote . . . "I don't love you because I need you, I need you because I love you."
Random Thoughts
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Watermark It
I found this great tutorial that walks you through the steps of creating a watermark. This is a great way to protect your pictures when posting them on the web. Not that I think anyone will ever want to use any of my images, but it was a fun challenge to learn how to do it. The results. . .

Saturday, December 13, 2008
Photo Editing
I've been teaching myself how to edit pictures. I'm becoming more comfortable with the editing software that I currently have (a downloaded trial version of Adobe Photoshop). I have been searching online for a less expensive photo editing software and found this one that I think I will enjoy. In the meantime I 've enjoyed learning by trial and error. Today I practiced on applying filters. Filters let you change the look of your images, for instance by giving them the appearance of impressionistic paintings or mosaic tiles, or adding unique lighting or distortions. You can also use some filters to clean up or retouch your photos. Here are the results from today.
I used the Craqueluring filter which paints an image onto a high-relief plaster surface, producing a fine network of cracks that follow the contours of the image. Use this filter to create an embossing effect with images that contain a broad range of color or grayscale values.
The stylize filters produce a painted or impressionistic effect on a selection by displacing pixels and by finding and heightening contrast in an image. The wind option (shown below) places tiny horizontal lines in the image to create a windblown effect.

Daily Life,
Blissfully Domestic
While browsing the internet (as I often do- admittedly too much) I came across this blissful website. It has something for everyone. I am especially fond of the photography tips found there.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
What We've Been Up To
It's been busy in the Fountain household lately. At times it seems that we are all going in different directions. I guess that is what happens when the kids get older and their lives get busier. So how busy have we been? Here's a run down:
Thanksgiving went by in a blur. Angela and I had Thanksgiving lunch with a friend of ours while David worked. I miss the days of him being home on holidays. His job is such that he has to work most holidays because the full time employees get the day off.
I'm still enjoying learning the ins and outs of my new camera. David and Angela say I can be pretty annoying, but at the same time are glad that I have found something to entertain myself with. Personally, I think they are glad I'm not constantly nagging them. I've been trying to find the time to drive up to Highlands Hammock State Park and just spend the day taking pictures. So far, my schedule is just to busy to do it. Maybe once the holidays are over I'll find the time. I managed to get our tree decorated on Saturday evening after attending the Living Christmas Tree at Dolly Hand Cultural Arts Center with two lovely friends.
Angela's still enjoying soccer even though they have lost their last 4 games. Soccer season will end in January and then she'll be trying out for the softball team. In addition to playing soccer she's doing remarkably well with school this year. Next week are final exams for this semester. It will be a week of studying hard and getting to bed early for her. Last week she was out of school for 3 days with a severe headache, which we later found out was due to an urinary tract infection. She's feeling much better this week and is back to her old self.
David has been extremely busy with school. Last week he had a research paper, a PowerPoint presentation, a speech and a test to prepare for. Luckily this week has been much slower and he's not as stressed as he was. I guess the stress paid off though because he made an A on the research paper and an A on the speech. Time will tell how he did on the test and the PowerPoint presentation. He's registered for the spring semester and looking forward to the week after Christmas with no school and no work.
That pretty much recaps what we've been up. As always we are blessed beyond measure!
Thanksgiving went by in a blur. Angela and I had Thanksgiving lunch with a friend of ours while David worked. I miss the days of him being home on holidays. His job is such that he has to work most holidays because the full time employees get the day off.
I'm still enjoying learning the ins and outs of my new camera. David and Angela say I can be pretty annoying, but at the same time are glad that I have found something to entertain myself with. Personally, I think they are glad I'm not constantly nagging them. I've been trying to find the time to drive up to Highlands Hammock State Park and just spend the day taking pictures. So far, my schedule is just to busy to do it. Maybe once the holidays are over I'll find the time. I managed to get our tree decorated on Saturday evening after attending the Living Christmas Tree at Dolly Hand Cultural Arts Center with two lovely friends.
Angela's still enjoying soccer even though they have lost their last 4 games. Soccer season will end in January and then she'll be trying out for the softball team. In addition to playing soccer she's doing remarkably well with school this year. Next week are final exams for this semester. It will be a week of studying hard and getting to bed early for her. Last week she was out of school for 3 days with a severe headache, which we later found out was due to an urinary tract infection. She's feeling much better this week and is back to her old self.
David has been extremely busy with school. Last week he had a research paper, a PowerPoint presentation, a speech and a test to prepare for. Luckily this week has been much slower and he's not as stressed as he was. I guess the stress paid off though because he made an A on the research paper and an A on the speech. Time will tell how he did on the test and the PowerPoint presentation. He's registered for the spring semester and looking forward to the week after Christmas with no school and no work.
That pretty much recaps what we've been up. As always we are blessed beyond measure!
Daily Life
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Lets Say Thanks
I received an email today from a friend about something cool that Xerox is doing. If you go to this website, You can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq. You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to some member of the armed services. It's FREE and it only takes a second. The site has suggested messages or you can write your own message.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers received a bunch of these? Whether you are for or against the war, our guys and girls over there need to know we are thinking of them. They are fighting for us and so often we take our freedom for granted.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers received a bunch of these? Whether you are for or against the war, our guys and girls over there need to know we are thinking of them. They are fighting for us and so often we take our freedom for granted.
Daily Life
Saturday, November 29, 2008
More of God's Creation
I spent another afternoon enjoying God's beautiful creation. Instead of water and birds today it was woods and animals. Not that I was expecting it to be this good.
BubbleShare: Share photos - Play some Online Games.
BubbleShare: Share photos - Play some Online Games.
Daily Life
Friday, November 28, 2008
Enjoying God's Creation
After cleaning house this morning I drove up to the lake to take some pictures with my new Canon EOS Rebel XS Digital Camera. It was a beautiful morning and a great day to play around with the different settings. God's creation always gives plenty of things to take pictures of. I have much to learn about the camera and the editing software. I'm hoping that some friends and I will soon be able to take a photography class that will help us become better photographers. Here are a few photos from today.

Daily Life
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I'd Rather Be Here. . .

Random Thoughts
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Then and Now
I was looking back at soccer pictures from 2006. That was the year Angela played AYSO soccer and was on the U-12 State Soccer team (which one the title). It's amazing to look back at old pictures and realize how much your children grow.
Daily Life
Friday, November 21, 2008
Phi Theta Kappa

I am so proud of his accomplishments throughout his college education. He has proven to be very diligent in his studies and is very determined to get his AA by December 2009. He has shown the ability to stay on top of his studies while working 4 days a week (at times more than that if they need him).
Keep up the excellent work David! We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments.
Daily Life,
School Happenings
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Our week
Earlier in the week I traveled to Sebring along with another soccer mom to watch the Lady Tigers play against the Sebring Blue Streaks. The JV won their game 3-0 and the Varisty won their game 3-1. It was neat to watch them play on a football field instead of a soccer field. It was hard to tell when the ball was in bounds or out of bounds from the stands due to the lines being marked in orange instead of white and at times I was confused with some of the calls that the ref's made. I love watching the girls improve each week and learning more about the rules. I'm not sure if I will ever thoroughly understand offsides.

Later in the week, I went to Seminole Ridge in Palm Beach for another soccer game. The JV girls lost 3-0 and the Varisty girls lost 8-0. This was the JV's first loss of the season.
In other news. . . David is diligently working on a research paper that is due on December 1. He has done a lot of writing this semester for his classes and I think at times he feels overwhelmed. He's still working as well as going to school and is looking forward to the Thanksgiving holidays. But even with the holidays approaching he will be working and trying to finish those research papers. There is no rest for the weary.
Tomorrow night we will be watching the Tiger football team take on Mulberry Panthers in the Class 2A playoff game. Go Tigers!!
Later in the week, I went to Seminole Ridge in Palm Beach for another soccer game. The JV girls lost 3-0 and the Varisty girls lost 8-0. This was the JV's first loss of the season.
In other news. . . David is diligently working on a research paper that is due on December 1. He has done a lot of writing this semester for his classes and I think at times he feels overwhelmed. He's still working as well as going to school and is looking forward to the Thanksgiving holidays. But even with the holidays approaching he will be working and trying to finish those research papers. There is no rest for the weary.
Tomorrow night we will be watching the Tiger football team take on Mulberry Panthers in the Class 2A playoff game. Go Tigers!!
Daily Life,
School Happenings,
The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; every morning;they are new great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23)
I love to worship. I love worship in song. I’m not a great singer, but the Bible assures me it’s all a joyful noise unto the Lord. There are many times that I wish I had a beautiful singing voice so that I could just belt it out and last night as we were singing Mercies Anew was one of those times. The lyrics are beautiful.
Every morning that breaks, There are mercies anew. Every breath that I take Is your faithfulness proved. And at the end of each day, When my labors are through, I will sing of Your mercies anew. When I’ve fallen and strayed There were mercies anew. For you sought me in love And my heart you pursued. In the face of my sin Lord, You never withdrew, So I sing of Your mercies anew. And Your mercies, they will never end For ten thousand years they’ll remain. And when this world’s beauty has passed away Your mercies will be unchanged. And when the storms swirl and rage There are mercies anew. In affliction and pain You will carry me through. And at the end of my days, When Your throne fills my view, I will sing of Your mercies anew. I will sing of Your mercies anew.
For the believer, God’s mercies are new every day. This does not mean that, as a believer, I can continue to consciously sin and God will just nod His head and “POOF” sin forgiven! As the Apostle Paul would say, “May it never be!”. It does, however, mean that those days I repent of the sin I have failed to mortify through the Holy Spirit, I can be renewed in His mercies.
I cannot think of a better position to be in than to be a joint heir with Christ.
Devotional Thoughts
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Pictures from the Immokalee Game
My friend, Kim, is a wonderful photographer and is sweet enough to take pictures at all the soccer games. She emailed me these pictures today of Angela playing against Immokalee last week. Notice the aggressiveness in the second picture.
Daily Life,
School Happenings,
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Lake Placid
The soccer games were reversed tonight with Varisty playing at 6 and JV playing at 7:30 due to some of the Varisty girls being on the Cross Country team who have a regional meet tomorrow. The Varsity game ended in tie (4-4). Our girls have played better games, but I haven't seen one that was tougher yet. The Lake Placid girls were very aggressive and made a lot of contact with our girls. At times it seemed like a brawling match.
The JV girls played one of their best games yet, winning 6-1. Angela played forward and right mid tonight. She had one assist which she was very happy about. Lake Placid's JV team was not as aggressive nor did they make as much contact. With the win tonight the JV is now 4-0.
Their next game is in Sebring on Monday night.
The JV girls played one of their best games yet, winning 6-1. Angela played forward and right mid tonight. She had one assist which she was very happy about. Lake Placid's JV team was not as aggressive nor did they make as much contact. With the win tonight the JV is now 4-0.
Their next game is in Sebring on Monday night.
Daily Life,
School Happenings,
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
JV Lady Tigers remain undefeated tonight!!!! 2 - 0. Woohoo! Varisty Lady Tigers defeated Immokalee as well. Their score was 4 - 0! These girls are looking good. Two more games tomorrow night against Lake Placid.
Daily Life,
School Happenings,
Monday, November 10, 2008
Lady Tigers Win Again
Angela traveled to Lely tonight with the rest of the Lady Tigers for their soccer game. Unfortunately, I was not able to go. I called her around 7:30 tonight to see how her game went and was thrilled to hear the JV won 3-0. She only played one position tonight (forward). Varisty lost 5-0.
Daily Life,
Thoughts on WOF

The Women of Faith Conference was wonderful! It was encouraging to hear women of the faith share their testimonies throughout the weekend in ways that encouraged other women. Some of the speakers would have me in tears, while others made me laugh. It was amazing to be seated in an arena with thousands of other women (from all walks of life) and all be rejoicing because we realize how blessed we are that God's infinite grace has been poured out into our lives.
As I've reflected on this weekend I've thought about the way I sometimes look at other Christian women and think, "they have it all together" not realizing that they struggle at times just as I do. One of the speakers made the statement that we are more alike than we are different. I realized that this weekend. There are none of us on this side of glory that "have it all together" and guess what, We won't until we stand in the presence of God. I'm not alone in pursuing the goal God has set before me and I will attain it just like Patsy Clairmont, Lucy Swindoll, Jan Silvious and the rest of the speakers. . . by God's infinite grace!
Anita Renfroe was the only speaker that didn't bring tears to my eyes (okay, so one time) when she was on stage. She is a comedian, musician, speaker, and author. She is definitely one that comes out and says what we are all thinking. You gotta love a women that can do this. . .
and when asked by Dad's where their song is comes up with this. . .
Church and Ministry Happenings,
Daily Life
Friday, November 07, 2008
Expecting Great Things

I'll be spending my weekend with nine of my sweetest sister's at the Infinite Grace Women of Faith Conference 2008 in Ft. Lauderdale. We leave this morning at 8:00 am and expecting to be blessed beyond measure! I'm looking forward to hearing God's Word taught, fellowship with these sweet, sweet sisters, and sharing the things we learn this weekend with others.
Church and Ministry Happenings,
Daily Life
I'm a Marilyn

I took this silly quiz after seeing it on someone else's blog. There were only 2 questions and this was the result. . . You are a Marilyn -- "I am affectionate and skeptical."
Marilyns are responsible, trustworthy, and value loyalty to family, friends, groups, and causes. Their personalities range broadly from reserved and timid to outspoken and confrontative.
Marilyns are responsible, trustworthy, and value loyalty to family, friends, groups, and causes. Their personalities range broadly from reserved and timid to outspoken and confrontative.
How to Get Along with Me
- * Be direct and clear
- * Listen to me carefully
- * Don't judge me for my anxiety
- * Work things through with me
- * Reassure me that everything is OK between us
- * Laugh and make jokes with me
- * Gently push me toward new experiences
- * Try not to overreact to my overreacting.
What I Like About Being a Marilyn
- * being committed and faithful to family and friends
- * being responsible and hardworking
- * being compassionate toward others
- * having intellect and wit
- * being a nonconformist
- * confronting danger bravely
- * being direct and assertive
- * the constant push and pull involved in trying to make up my mind
- * procrastinating because of fear of failure; having little confidence in myself
- * fearing being abandoned or taken advantage of
- * exhausting myself by worrying and scanning for danger
- * wishing I had a rule book at work so I could do everything right
- * being too critical of myself when I haven't lived up to my expectations
Marilyns as Children Often
- * are friendly, likable, and dependable, and/or sarcastic, bossy, and stubborn
- * are anxious and hypervigilant; anticipate danger
- * form a team of "us against them" with a best friend or parent
- * look to groups or authorities to protect them and/or question authority and rebel
- * are neglected or abused, come from unpredictable or alcoholic families, and/or take on the fearfulness of an overly anxious parent
Marilyns as Parents
- * are often loving, nurturing, and have a strong sense of duty
- * are sometimes reluctant to give their children independence
- * worry more than most that their children will get hurt
- * sometimes have trouble saying no and setting boundaries
Random Thoughts
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Lady Tigers
The JV Lady Tiger's Soccer Team opened their season tonight against LaBelle. Angela played goal keeper the first half. She kept 3 attempts from making their way into the goal. During the last quarter she played on defense, but was not pleased with her playing at that position tonight. The girls did great. They won the game 3 - 0.
It was the Varisty's second game of the season tonight. They defeated Glades Day 5-1 on Monday night in Belle Glade. The varisty game was exciting as well and we enjoyed cheering them to victory (4-1).
It was the Varisty's second game of the season tonight. They defeated Glades Day 5-1 on Monday night in Belle Glade. The varisty game was exciting as well and we enjoyed cheering them to victory (4-1).
Family Happenings,
School Happenings,
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Yes We Can
Regardless of how you voted, keep in mind that the people of America have spoken. Although you may not agree with the outcome we as Christians are called to be obedient to God's Word. His word tells us "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." (Romans 13:1)
Because President-Elect Obama's election is legitmate, we must respect and give honor due to his position in the high office he will hold. Failure in this responsibility is disobedience to a clear biblical command.
We must pray for this new President, for his wife and family, for his administration, and for the nation. We are commanded in the Word to pray for rulers, and the President - Elect faces challenges that are not only daunting but potentially disastrous. Pray for God to grant him wisdom. He, along with his family, will face new challenges and the pressures of this office. Pray that God will protect him, as well as his family, that he would grant them joy and that he would bind them together as a family. Continue to pray for protection of this nation as he settles into his role as Commander in Chief, and that God will grant peace among us as he leads the nation through times of trial and international conflict and tension.
Americans we should look for opportunities to work with the new President and his administration where we can. To guard our tongues from slandering him and his efforts. That instead of being critical we would find comfort in knowing that whether the man of our own choosing is in office, that ultimately the man of God's choosing is in office. As the Word tells us God establishes authority not man.
Because President-Elect Obama's election is legitmate, we must respect and give honor due to his position in the high office he will hold. Failure in this responsibility is disobedience to a clear biblical command.
We must pray for this new President, for his wife and family, for his administration, and for the nation. We are commanded in the Word to pray for rulers, and the President - Elect faces challenges that are not only daunting but potentially disastrous. Pray for God to grant him wisdom. He, along with his family, will face new challenges and the pressures of this office. Pray that God will protect him, as well as his family, that he would grant them joy and that he would bind them together as a family. Continue to pray for protection of this nation as he settles into his role as Commander in Chief, and that God will grant peace among us as he leads the nation through times of trial and international conflict and tension.
Americans we should look for opportunities to work with the new President and his administration where we can. To guard our tongues from slandering him and his efforts. That instead of being critical we would find comfort in knowing that whether the man of our own choosing is in office, that ultimately the man of God's choosing is in office. As the Word tells us God establishes authority not man.
Random Thoughts
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Homecoming 2008
Angela went to her first Homecoming dance on Saturday. She was absolutely beautiful.
BubbleShare: Share photos - Find great Clip Art Images.
BubbleShare: Share photos - Find great Clip Art Images.
Daily Life,
Family Happenings,
School Happenings
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Powder Puff
It's homecoming week for CHS and along with it comes homecoming events throughout the week. On Monday night the Powder Puff game was held at Cane Field. Angela being the athlete in the family was on the field playing football on the freshman team. She did an awesome job on defense. She made one interception and numerous tackles (actually it was flag football not tackle). The freshman won in a shut out against the sophomores (12-0)! Then the senior class and junior class duked it out (at times the term duked it out was literal). The seniors won 29 - 20. As always the cheerleaders were a sight to see. A sense of humor is a must to dress up like a cheerleader. It was a fun night watching the girls and the guys trade places for a few hours in the spirit of fun. My friend Kim emailed me this picture of her and has made me a CD. As soon as I get the CD, I will post more pictures (the ones I took aren't as good as the ones she took).
Daily Life,
Family Happenings,
School Happenings,
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Cool Find for Cool Days
Fall is definitely in the air in South Florida. We woke up this morning to 44 degree weather. For South Florida that is cold. With cooler weather I'm always looking for foods that will warm the body and I just so happened to receive a recipe for Chicken Noodle Soup today. That was a bonus in and of itself, but it made it especially nice that it's a Crock Pot recipe. Let me tell you, the Fountain's love themselves Crock Pot meals. Well at least the Fountain that does the cooking does.
I decided to share my find with those of you that are looking for an easy meal that will warm you up on cool days.
Onion (1/2 of large)
Celery (3 or 4 stalks)
Garlic Cloves (2)
Carrots (approx. 2-3 cups)
Noodles (approx. 2/3 package)
Chicken Bouillon (6 cubes)
Water (8 cups, approximately)
Freshly ground pepper
Oregano, Basil, & Thyme (if desired)
Brown chicken breasts in a little olive oil. When the chicken breasts are golden, add chopped onion and garlic and saute until the onion is translucent. Turn off heat and transfer to bowl and let cool. Shred or chop chicken breasts into bite sized pieces. Then add all of the chicken breast, onion and garlic to crock pot. Add sliced carrots, chopped celery, chicken broth, chicken bouillon, water and spices. Let the soup cook all day while you are away or at home doing other things! About 15 minutes before serving, add noodles to soup. Enjoy!
I decided to share my find with those of you that are looking for an easy meal that will warm you up on cool days.
Crock Pot Chicken Noodle Soup
Bonelss Chicken Breasts (3or4)
Chicken Broth (1 can)Onion (1/2 of large)
Celery (3 or 4 stalks)
Garlic Cloves (2)
Carrots (approx. 2-3 cups)
Noodles (approx. 2/3 package)
Chicken Bouillon (6 cubes)
Water (8 cups, approximately)
Freshly ground pepper
Oregano, Basil, & Thyme (if desired)
Brown chicken breasts in a little olive oil. When the chicken breasts are golden, add chopped onion and garlic and saute until the onion is translucent. Turn off heat and transfer to bowl and let cool. Shred or chop chicken breasts into bite sized pieces. Then add all of the chicken breast, onion and garlic to crock pot. Add sliced carrots, chopped celery, chicken broth, chicken bouillon, water and spices. Let the soup cook all day while you are away or at home doing other things! About 15 minutes before serving, add noodles to soup. Enjoy!
Daily Life,
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I wish you were here today. I missed your call yesterday. It seems like forever since I heard your voice. I still catch myself on the verge of asking to talk to you when I call. Oh how I miss your voice. I miss the wisdom you were always willing to share with me and with others. I think back to Saturdays spent running errands, buying groceries for both of our households, and the times where we just enjoyed being together and sharing our love for one another. I'm glad I have those precious memories because it's those memories that help get me through days like today.
You taught me so much throughout the years. Whether it was through words or actions you always instructed me on various things you knew I would need. Some of the most precious memories I have of you are of you talking to me about the Lord. Your love for God was evident throughout the years and you encouraged me to find my satisfaction in Him.
There are so many things I wish I had said to you. You went too fast (but I'm thankful God didn't allow you to suffer). I wanted so badly that last night just to hear your voice one more time. But your eyes spoke what your voice couldn't.
You would be 74 today if you were here. Although I can't call to say "Happy Birthday", you are on my mind and in my heart.
You taught me so much throughout the years. Whether it was through words or actions you always instructed me on various things you knew I would need. Some of the most precious memories I have of you are of you talking to me about the Lord. Your love for God was evident throughout the years and you encouraged me to find my satisfaction in Him.
There are so many things I wish I had said to you. You went too fast (but I'm thankful God didn't allow you to suffer). I wanted so badly that last night just to hear your voice one more time. But your eyes spoke what your voice couldn't.
You would be 74 today if you were here. Although I can't call to say "Happy Birthday", you are on my mind and in my heart.
Daily Life,
Random Thoughts
Monday, October 27, 2008
Being 43
Today makes 43 years that I've been in this world. I've learned many things in those few years and I thought I'd share 43 of them with you (not in any particular order).
- You never stop learning. Anybody can teach you something new, even a child.
- Less is more. Sometimes the less you own, the happier you are; the less you say, the smarter you appear.
- When the doctor says "It'll only hurt a little bit", it will actually hurt a lot.
- When you give without expecting anything in return, often you receive more than you bargained for.
- If the choice is cleaning your home or playing Barbie’s with your daughter…let the dust accumulate.
- Friendships are rare gifts. When they are genuine, they stand the test of time and circumstance.
- Say thank you. We often ask but seldom thank.
- It’s better to sing off key than not to sing at all.
- You can’t avoid offending people from time to time. When you don’t mean it, apologize. When you do mean it, accept the consequences.
- It’s 10 times easier to fall in love than to stay in love. And no matter what the sad songs say about romance, broken hearts do mend.
- It’s never a shame when you admit you don’t know something, and often a shame when you assume that you do
- Grudges are poison. The only antidote is to let them go.
- Laundry is one household chore that is never done.
- Promptness shows respect.
- Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.
- You cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved.
- It takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it.
- Never lick a steak knife.
- It's not what you have in your life but who you have in your life that counts
- You should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.
- Learning to forgive takes practice.
- Being kind is more important than being right.
- When you say "I'm sorry", look the person in the eye.
- Never laugh at anyone's dream. People who don't have dreams don't have much.
- Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.
- Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.
- It is taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.
- It's a lot easier to react first than it is to think about it first.
- Either I control my attitude or it controls me.
- No matter how much you try to prepare yourself for a loved one's death, you're never truly prepared.
- Just because someone doesn't say "I love you", doesn't mean they don't.
- First impressions are completely worthless 50% of the time.
- It's okay to take a day off and just relax.
- An enjoyable meal. A casual walk. A stroll through the woods. Time with family. These are the kinds of things that provide deep, long lasting happiness
- Old habits die hard.
- Sleep makes me happy.
- Hair on a barbie doll doesn't grow back.
- You can't fix stupid.
- Some people take life way to seriously
- It's hard to dislike someone when you pray for them.
- Kindness and hard work will take you further than intelligence.
- Laughing, crying, joy and anger… All are a vital. All make us human.
- Take lots of pictures. Someday you’ll be really glad you did
Daily Life,
Random Thoughts
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Food For Thought
Breakfast: What's your favorite place in your house and why? Describe it or add a photo. My living room. It's where we spend our time together at whether it's watching television or just talking.
Lunch: If your spouse or significant other were a light bulb, what wattage would they be? 25-60-75-100 or a dim black light? His wattage varies. . . some days he's a 75 watt, the next day he is a 100 watt and then there are those days that he is more of a 60 watt. Regardless the watts he brightens my life by just being in it.
Dinner: Name something that would disqualify you if you were a contestant on Fear Factor. I'd never make it through the tryout stage. I'd freak over the snakes, bugs, slimy stuff, and the smelly stuff.
Midnight Snack: What is something that you do that helps you escape for a while? Reading a good book, playing a computer game, or riding bikes.
Recipe for this week (instead of your recipe for life - what it is for just this week?) Don't let the circumstance you find yourself in determine your mood.
Lunch: If your spouse or significant other were a light bulb, what wattage would they be? 25-60-75-100 or a dim black light? His wattage varies. . . some days he's a 75 watt, the next day he is a 100 watt and then there are those days that he is more of a 60 watt. Regardless the watts he brightens my life by just being in it.
Dinner: Name something that would disqualify you if you were a contestant on Fear Factor. I'd never make it through the tryout stage. I'd freak over the snakes, bugs, slimy stuff, and the smelly stuff.
Midnight Snack: What is something that you do that helps you escape for a while? Reading a good book, playing a computer game, or riding bikes.
Recipe for this week (instead of your recipe for life - what it is for just this week?) Don't let the circumstance you find yourself in determine your mood.
Random Thoughts
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Note from Speech Class
While helping David study this afternoon for speech class I came across the 3 B's for speaking:
- Begin
- Be Brief
- Be Seated
Random Thoughts
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
New Poll
Until today I was under the assumption that when a person is in prison their right to vote is revoked. Not so! Vermont and Maine still allow prisoners to vote. I found that very interesting. Not sure how I feel about that fact and I'm curious how others feel. Therefore, I'm adding a poll to the blog for the next week. Go vote!
Random Thoughts
Monday, October 20, 2008
Whenever I See Your Smiling Face
It's hard to believe that you've been in glory for a year now. I still miss your smile and your laughter. Even now I still think you will be in your room when I go out to your mom's & dad's.
Your mom & dad have struggled this year, but it has been humbling to witness their faith sustain them. They still question "Why Jess", but turn right around with an answer of "it was God's plan and we may never understand, but we trust His plan." I've seen them grow closer as a couple this past year and they cherish each day as they walk by faith together.
Although I still grieve for you, I know you are rejoicing. You were looking forward to your wedding day when God called you home. I often wonder how your face looked the moment you walked into glory and down the aisle to the true bridegroom. One thing is for certain, you were smiling and I would even bet you were running towards him.
I wouldn't want you to leave glory just to be with us again, but oh how I miss you and look forward to the day that I am with you again!
Your mom & dad have struggled this year, but it has been humbling to witness their faith sustain them. They still question "Why Jess", but turn right around with an answer of "it was God's plan and we may never understand, but we trust His plan." I've seen them grow closer as a couple this past year and they cherish each day as they walk by faith together.
Although I still grieve for you, I know you are rejoicing. You were looking forward to your wedding day when God called you home. I often wonder how your face looked the moment you walked into glory and down the aisle to the true bridegroom. One thing is for certain, you were smiling and I would even bet you were running towards him.
I wouldn't want you to leave glory just to be with us again, but oh how I miss you and look forward to the day that I am with you again!
Daily Life,
Random Thoughts
Happy Birthday Daddy

Daddy, thank you for your leadership and guidance to this family through the years. You have been a godly example to each of us.
Family Happenings
Friday, October 17, 2008
Food For Thought
Breakfast: If you could jump into any book - what would it be and why? Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. All that chocolate!
Lunch: Tell how you are feeling today in the form of a weather report (for example, partly cloudy, sunny with a chance of rain, etc). Mostly sunny with a light breeze,slight chance of rain in the evening.
Dinner: What activities make you lose track of time? Cleaning house, reading and sleeping.
Midnight Snack: What were you doing one hour ago? Walking Bayleigh and enjoying my first cup of coffee.
Recipe for this week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?): Cherish those you love and make time for the simple things.
Lunch: Tell how you are feeling today in the form of a weather report (for example, partly cloudy, sunny with a chance of rain, etc). Mostly sunny with a light breeze,slight chance of rain in the evening.
Dinner: What activities make you lose track of time? Cleaning house, reading and sleeping.
Midnight Snack: What were you doing one hour ago? Walking Bayleigh and enjoying my first cup of coffee.
Recipe for this week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?): Cherish those you love and make time for the simple things.
Random Thoughts
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Know & Tell: Music Edition
1. Do you play any musical instruments? If so, which one(s)? If not, is there one you always wanted to know how to play? Can't play any musical instrument, but I'd love to learn to play the guitar.
2. Do you sing well? Do you sing in along in the car? Do you use head motions? I can't sing at all. When David and Angela were babies and I would sing lullabies to them they would cry louder. If I'm alone in the car I sing, otherwise I don't torture my passengers. I don't use head motions.
3. Who was your teen music crush? Bruce Springsteen. Don't ask why. Guess my taste has changed as I've aged.
4. What is your favorite type of music? Oldies (talking 70's & 80's) or country music.
5. Who are your three favorite musical artists? Kenny Chesney, Rascal Flatts and Alison Krauss.
6. Does your church play tradition or praise songs, or a combination? A combination.
7. What is your favorite hymn? It's hard to decide on just one. I like Blessed Assurance, My Jesus I Love Thee, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus. I could go on and on.
8. What is your favorite praise song? Again, it's hard to decide on just one. How Great is Our God, Enough, In Christ Alone, and I Stand in Awe. As before the list could go on and on.
9. What is the strangest musician's name whose music you like? Hootie and the Blowfish.
Bonus Question: What one question would you like the host to answer in the future? If you had the opportunity to undo one mistake in your life what would it be?
2. Do you sing well? Do you sing in along in the car? Do you use head motions? I can't sing at all. When David and Angela were babies and I would sing lullabies to them they would cry louder. If I'm alone in the car I sing, otherwise I don't torture my passengers. I don't use head motions.
3. Who was your teen music crush? Bruce Springsteen. Don't ask why. Guess my taste has changed as I've aged.
4. What is your favorite type of music? Oldies (talking 70's & 80's) or country music.
5. Who are your three favorite musical artists? Kenny Chesney, Rascal Flatts and Alison Krauss.
6. Does your church play tradition or praise songs, or a combination? A combination.
7. What is your favorite hymn? It's hard to decide on just one. I like Blessed Assurance, My Jesus I Love Thee, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus. I could go on and on.
8. What is your favorite praise song? Again, it's hard to decide on just one. How Great is Our God, Enough, In Christ Alone, and I Stand in Awe. As before the list could go on and on.
9. What is the strangest musician's name whose music you like? Hootie and the Blowfish.
Bonus Question: What one question would you like the host to answer in the future? If you had the opportunity to undo one mistake in your life what would it be?
Random Thoughts
Friday, October 10, 2008
Food for Thought
Breakfast: Would you rather be really hot or really cold? I would much rather be really hot than really cold. That's the one thing I enjoy about South Florida, we rarely have really cold days. The ones that we do have I dread. If it never got below 70 degrees I would be happy.
Lunch: Name three things (modern conveniences) you could not live without? If I learned anything in Nicaragua I learned that things we think we can't live without we actually can. Prior to going I worried about not being able to use a cell phone, internet, not having running water, and flushing toilets. Honestly, I didn't miss them that much. Life in Nicaragua was much more relaxed without those things. I discovered there that material things aren't really important. So my answer. . . my children, my salvation, and my family.
Dinner: If you were the eighth dwarf, what would your name be? Speechless. . . that would be a first!
Midnight Snack: Would you rather live to be 100 and sick, or live to be 50 (dying from a freak accident) and healthy. I never want to be a burden to my children or family. I'd prefer to die at 50 from a freak accident but be healthy prior to that.
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?): Don't give the power to people that irritate you!! Don't let them take time away from your life by wasting your thoughts on worry, hate, irritation, etc. Choose to think of your blessings instead!!
Lunch: Name three things (modern conveniences) you could not live without? If I learned anything in Nicaragua I learned that things we think we can't live without we actually can. Prior to going I worried about not being able to use a cell phone, internet, not having running water, and flushing toilets. Honestly, I didn't miss them that much. Life in Nicaragua was much more relaxed without those things. I discovered there that material things aren't really important. So my answer. . . my children, my salvation, and my family.
Dinner: If you were the eighth dwarf, what would your name be? Speechless. . . that would be a first!
Midnight Snack: Would you rather live to be 100 and sick, or live to be 50 (dying from a freak accident) and healthy. I never want to be a burden to my children or family. I'd prefer to die at 50 from a freak accident but be healthy prior to that.
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?): Don't give the power to people that irritate you!! Don't let them take time away from your life by wasting your thoughts on worry, hate, irritation, etc. Choose to think of your blessings instead!!
Random Thoughts
Thursday, October 09, 2008
It Ain't Worth It
Do you ever get tired of trying to make relationships work? It ain't no easy task and sometimes no matter how hard we try to build a relationship with someone we just never click. Until recently I was the type person that bent over backwards trying to build relationships with others. You know I'd be the one to call, make plans, visit, etc. But I finally got feed up with being the one that poured herself into the relationship while the other person took it for granted. So now I've built a wall and I will admit I could care less about building relationships with people that seem uninterested. I've finally concluded that relationships aren't worth it. If someone really wants to be a part of my life then they will make the effort to reach out to me. I'm sick of being the one that does the reaching out.
Daily Life,
Random Thoughts
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Pink for October

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Since the program began in 1985, mammography rates have more than doubled for women age 50 and older and breast cancer deaths have declined.
But there are still women who do not take advantage of early detection at all and others who do not get screening mammograms and clinical breast exams at regular intervals.
Ladies call today and schedule your mammogram. . . it makes a difference.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Angela and Sports
Since her first Cross Country meet in Lake Placid on September 17, Angela has been diligently trying to improve her running time. At times she grows frustrated that her times are not what she would like them to be. However, at today's meet in Lemon Bay she was pleased with her time of 28 minutes in the 5k (3.1 miles). Her times thus far have been:
Lake Placid: 31:22
Optimist: 32:48
Spanish River: 31:22
Lemon Bay:28:00
She continues to love running and is enjoying the season. They will be going to Disney World to run at the invitational there on October 10.
She tried out this week for the Lady Tigers Soccer team. When we asked how try outs went she replied that she did lousy with her drills and shooting, but went ahead and tried out for goalie as well. The second day of tryouts they had to run a mile while being timed. Her time was 7 minutes. Last night the coaches posted the names of those who made the team, but we were in Palm Beach at the movies. Our friend, Phyllis, subs at the school and had talked to the coach yesterday afternoon to find out if she made the team. As we were leaving the movie Phyllis casually told her, "Hey Angela, guess what you made the soccer team!" Angela jumped up and down yelling, "Yes, Yes, I made it!" So once again I'm a Soccer Mom!
Lake Placid: 31:22
Optimist: 32:48
Spanish River: 31:22
Lemon Bay:28:00
She continues to love running and is enjoying the season. They will be going to Disney World to run at the invitational there on October 10.
She tried out this week for the Lady Tigers Soccer team. When we asked how try outs went she replied that she did lousy with her drills and shooting, but went ahead and tried out for goalie as well. The second day of tryouts they had to run a mile while being timed. Her time was 7 minutes. Last night the coaches posted the names of those who made the team, but we were in Palm Beach at the movies. Our friend, Phyllis, subs at the school and had talked to the coach yesterday afternoon to find out if she made the team. As we were leaving the movie Phyllis casually told her, "Hey Angela, guess what you made the soccer team!" Angela jumped up and down yelling, "Yes, Yes, I made it!" So once again I'm a Soccer Mom!
Know & Tell : Decorating Edition
1. Do you have fake plants in your house? No. I have one plant in the entire house and it is a live plant (at least for now).
2. What is the oldest piece of furniture you have that is not an antique? A beside table. It was my grandmother's (on my father's side).
3. Do you have any antiques? Other than the beside table there are no other antiques.
4. What type of dishes do you use? China, stoneware, Corelle, Tupperware, paper plates? I use stoneware for the most part although we use paper plates every now and then.
5. What is your favorite thing in your house? My pictures.
6. Do you like to use lamps or overhead lighting? I love soft lamp lighting. Overhead lighting shows the dust too bad.
7. Are you a pristine white wall person or do you love color? I love color. White is boring.
Random Thoughts
Friday, October 03, 2008
More from Paul David Tripp
I was greatly encouraged by what Paul Tripp has to say regarding Accountability in his book Instrument's In The Redeemer's Hands.
The concept of accountability tends to carry negative connotations. Yet the biblical picture is very loving in at least two ways. First, as we help restore people to where God wants them to be, we are called to "carry each others burdens" (Gal. 6:2). We are also told to fight the deceitfulness of sin by "encouraging one another daily."(Heb. 3:13). We must love people enough to do more than expose wrong, pronounce right, and walk away. Accountability requires a willingness to roll up our sleeves and get alongside people as they fight the war between sin and righteousness.
Yet as people step out in faith, they are often still confused and afraid. They have committed to a new and better way, but they are not yet ready to be on their own. The disciples provide a wonderful example of this phenomenon. They had been with Jesus for three years and seen the glory and power of his presence. They had learned much about the kingdom of God, but in many ways they were still wobbly and uncertain. In his last few moments with them before the cross, Jesus recognized that they were not ready to be on their own. (John 16:12-16). Their fear and confusion at his crucifixion (which Jesus had warned them was coming) reveal what spiritual babies they were. Confused and afraid, they hid together, wondering what to do next. Even after they saw the resurrected Christ, they were still asking wrong questions (Acts 1:7-11). But Jesus didn't leave his wobbly disciples alone. He sent the Holy Spirit to guide, teach, encourage, warn, convict, and strengthen them.
God calls us to the same ministry by the power of the same Holy Spirit. He calls us to stand with people as they step out in faith, obedience, and courage. This is the ministry of accountability. It is not about lying in wait to catch them doing wrong. The purpose of accountability is to assist people to do what is right for the long run. It provides a presence that keeps them responsible, aware, determined, and alert until they are able to be on their own. It directs eyes that have just begun to see, and strengthens weak knees and feeble arms. We seek to encourage flagging faith and to keep God's goals before people's eyes. We help them to understand when they need to flee from sin and when they are called to stand and fight.
By contrast, accountability is not about being a private detective, trying to do the work of the Holy Spirit, being someone else's conscience, forcing someone to obey, chasing someone who is running, or looking for someone who is hiding. Accountability provides loving structure, guidance, encouragement, and warnig to someone who is fully committed to the change God is working in his life. The person who makes accountability work is always the person being held accountable. He doesn't see our presence and help as scary or intrusive. He doesn't run and hide from it. Rather, he is glad to know that as others stand with him, God stands with him. Accountability works because he is a seeker, not a runner. The runner doesn't need accountability; he needs rebuke. Accountability is help for those who are committed to change.
Accountability provides help on a practical level in way like these:Accountability brings ongoing help to the person who is fully committed to the "put off/put on" process.
- Accountability provides structure.
- Accountability provides guidance.
- Accountability provides assistance.
- Accountability provides encouragement.
- Accountability provides warning.
Book Reviews,
Devotional Thoughts
Food for Thought
Breakfast: What actor/actress would be most believable to play you in a movie? I haven't got a clue.
Lunch: If you were stranded on a lonely beach, what are the five things that you would want to survive? A good book, my laptop with WiFi connection, food, water, and my kids.
Dinner: What terms of endearment does your significant other call you? What do you call them? Don't use them.
Midnight Snack: If you could be a fly on the wall where would you go and why? Again, no clue.
Recipe for the Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week)? If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all.
Lunch: If you were stranded on a lonely beach, what are the five things that you would want to survive? A good book, my laptop with WiFi connection, food, water, and my kids.
Dinner: What terms of endearment does your significant other call you? What do you call them? Don't use them.
Midnight Snack: If you could be a fly on the wall where would you go and why? Again, no clue.
Recipe for the Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week)? If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all.
Random Thoughts
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Mama's Happy
It's just the simple things in life that make me happy and David chose to do one of those simple things today. He got his hair cut short for the first time in 2 years. Yes, this Mama is happy!
Daily Life,
Family Happenings,
Random Thoughts
Monday, September 29, 2008
Don this is for You
My Sunday School teacher and good friend, Don, who frequently reads my blog has double dog dared me to ask my readers to answer the following questions about myself:
1. What dog do I most resemble?
2. What is your favorite zoo animal?
3. What zoo animal reminds you most of me?
I don't think Don is aware that I seldom back down from a double dog dare. So, go ahead answer the questions. Especially you Don. Come on I double dog dare you, scaredy cat.
1. What dog do I most resemble?
2. What is your favorite zoo animal?
3. What zoo animal reminds you most of me?
I don't think Don is aware that I seldom back down from a double dog dare. So, go ahead answer the questions. Especially you Don. Come on I double dog dare you, scaredy cat.
Random Thoughts
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Yesterday two couples from our church and I went to see the movie "Fireproof". Fireproof not only portrayed what it means to have a Christ-centered marriage, but also had a Christ centered message. The gospel message was clearly presented throughout the entire movie.
It is geared primarily to marriage, however the principles found within the movie can be used in any relationship. Although I am not married I still enjoyed the movie and God spoke to me through it. I would encourage not only married couples, but singles as well to take the time to go see it. It's well worth the money.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Know & Tell: Animal Edition
1. What dog do yo
u most resemble? The Doberman. I'm serious and extremely determined. I display unbeaten loyalty and love to the people I care for, which I might add are rather few. I find it hard to love anyone outside my "comfort zone". I've very watchful and reserved with most things saving my humorous, soft side for those I love. I tend to be fearless in the face of the enemy, but rather cautious in my actions.
2. What is your favorite zoo animal? The monkey. They are just too cute.
3. What zoo animal reminds you most of yourself? The Lion.
4. Do you have any pets? If so, how may, what kind and what are their names? If not, would you like one? I have 2 cats and a dog. The cats are Whiskers and Vanilla. The dog is Bayleigh.
5. Have you ever ridden a horse? Yes, although I wasn't crazy about riding it.
6. Have you ever milked a cow? Yes, when I was really young. I hadn't thought about that in years.
7. Why don't sheep shrink when it rains? There are somethings in life that never cross my mind and this would be one of those.

2. What is your favorite zoo animal? The monkey. They are just too cute.
3. What zoo animal reminds you most of yourself? The Lion.
4. Do you have any pets? If so, how may, what kind and what are their names? If not, would you like one? I have 2 cats and a dog. The cats are Whiskers and Vanilla. The dog is Bayleigh.
5. Have you ever ridden a horse? Yes, although I wasn't crazy about riding it.
6. Have you ever milked a cow? Yes, when I was really young. I hadn't thought about that in years.
7. Why don't sheep shrink when it rains? There are somethings in life that never cross my mind and this would be one of those.
Random Thoughts
Friday, September 26, 2008
Food for Thought
Breakfast: Who was your role model growing up? My mom. She was a wonderful example of what a mother/wife should be. She taught me so many things and I have always hoped to be the kind of person she was.
Lunch: Who would you turn to first if you were in desperate need of help? My dad. He's always been the one I could count on no matter what.
Dinner: Are you generally organized or messy? Organized. Messes unnerve me. I am a neat freak.
Midnight Snack: What do you do when you can't sleep at night? Read the book that is beside by bed.
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?) Don't worry about yesterday, it's in the past.
Lunch: Who would you turn to first if you were in desperate need of help? My dad. He's always been the one I could count on no matter what.
Dinner: Are you generally organized or messy? Organized. Messes unnerve me. I am a neat freak.
Midnight Snack: What do you do when you can't sleep at night? Read the book that is beside by bed.
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?) Don't worry about yesterday, it's in the past.
Random Thoughts
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Who We Are in Christ
His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins. ~ 1 Peter 1:3-9
Devotional Thoughts
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Living as an Ambassador
I've been reading through Instrument in the Redeemer's Hand for a while now. It's one of those books that I'm having to move through slowly to absorb all the wonderful nuggets that are found within it's pages. After the 6th chapter Tripp begins to focus on how to live as an ambassador, whether it is in the formal ministry of the local church or personally ministry. The first way to live as an ambassador that Tripp talks about is Love.
Here are just a few of the nuggets that I'm pondering after my reading time today:
Here are just a few of the nuggets that I'm pondering after my reading time today:
- The church is not a theological classroom. It is a conversion, confession, repentance, reconciliation, forgiveness and sanctification center, where flawed people place their trust in Christ, gather to know and love him better, and learn to love others as he has designed. The church is messy and inefficient, but it is God's wonderful mess - the place where he radically transforms hearts and lives.
- I am deeply persuaded that the foundation for people-transforming ministry is not sound theology; it is love. Without love, our theology is a boat without oars. Love is what drove God to send and sacrifice his Son. Love led Christ to subject himself to a sinful world and the horrors of the cross. Love is what causes him to seek and save the lost, and to persevere until each of his children is transformed into his image. His love will not rest until all of his children are at his side in glory. The hope of every sinner does not rest in theological answers but in the love of Christ for his own. Without it, we have no hope personally, relationally, or eternally.
- Paul says, "You are the recipients of Christ's love and nothing can separate you from it." This love offers hope to anyone willing to confess sin and cry out for transformation. Yet this is where we often get stuck. We want ministry that doesn't demand love that is, well, so demanding! We don't want to serve others in a way that requires so much personal sacrifice. We would prefer to lob grenades of truth into people's lives rather than lay down our lives for them. But this is exactly what Christ did for us. Can we expect to be called to do anything else?
- We cannot be part of Christ's life-giving work without being willing to lay down our own.
Devotional Thoughts,
Random Thoughts
Friday, September 19, 2008
Food for Thought
Breakfast: What is one thing you look forward to each day? Each week? The one thing I look forward to each day is being with my children and having conversations with them. The one thing I look forward to each week is the weekend.
Lunch: Are you a hoarder or a chucker? I'm a chucker.
Dinner: Do your dinner meals consist mostly of home cooked meals, convenience foods (i.e. boxed, frozen, heat & serve, etc.), or fast food? Who does most of the cooking in your home? For the most part we have home cooked meals, except on Wednesday and Friday. I do all the cooking in my home.
Midnight Snack: Has the rising cost of gasoline caused you to restrict, limit, or alter anything in your life? If so what. Not really, which is costing us and altering our bank accounts.
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?) Letting go doesn't mean giving up, it's accepting things that cannot be.
Lunch: Are you a hoarder or a chucker? I'm a chucker.
Dinner: Do your dinner meals consist mostly of home cooked meals, convenience foods (i.e. boxed, frozen, heat & serve, etc.), or fast food? Who does most of the cooking in your home? For the most part we have home cooked meals, except on Wednesday and Friday. I do all the cooking in my home.
Midnight Snack: Has the rising cost of gasoline caused you to restrict, limit, or alter anything in your life? If so what. Not really, which is costing us and altering our bank accounts.
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?) Letting go doesn't mean giving up, it's accepting things that cannot be.
Random Thoughts
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Her First Meet
Since becoming a freshman this year Angela has joined the high school Cross Country Team. The team had their first meet this afternoon in Lake Placid. She ran the 5k in 31 minutes. Not bad for a first time runner. She improved her time of 36 minutes from last week when they ran the 5k at practice. As the season progresses I have no doubt her times will improve.
School Happenings,
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Angela's Fifteen

Angela I loved teaching you things when you were a little girl. . .
but did you know how much I was learning from you at the same time?
Seeing your reactions to the world, listening to your fresh new outlooks,
and sharing in things that were important to you taught me a lot about
the responsibilities - and joys - of being a parent. . .
And watching you turn out to be the wonderful young woman you are
has reinforced something that I've known all along -
you're a very special daughter!
Happy Birthday Baby!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Food for Thought
Breakfast: If you were to choose a new name for yourself what would it be and why? Were there any other names your parents almost gave you? When I was younger I would have changed my name to something different, but I can't remember what those names might have been. But now, I don't think I could change my name since I've had it so long.
Lunch: How do you usually spend your Sunday afternoon? Relaxing or napping.
Dinner: What would be your last meal if you were about to walk the green mile? I don't think I'd want anything to eat, I'd be too busy saying "good-byes" to eat.
Midnight Snack: Have you ever broken any bones? Thank goodness NO!
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?) Friends come and go, but old friends pull at your heart.
Lunch: How do you usually spend your Sunday afternoon? Relaxing or napping.
Dinner: What would be your last meal if you were about to walk the green mile? I don't think I'd want anything to eat, I'd be too busy saying "good-byes" to eat.
Midnight Snack: Have you ever broken any bones? Thank goodness NO!
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?) Friends come and go, but old friends pull at your heart.
Random Thoughts
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Clewiston Middle School Football
Today was the opening game for the Clewiston Middle School Tigers against Jupiter Christian School. The game was played in Palm Beach and it was a beautiful morning to watch a football game. Bubba and I drove over along with the Crawford's, the Thomas', the Houghtaling's, and the Bowers' to watch their sons play. The boys played an excellent game and won 21-0!
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Time with Friends
Know & Tell: Sports Edition
- Do you live for the start of college football? Professional football? Does anyone in your house? Do you know anyone who does? David and I both like college football, but we don't live for it. We look forward to Baseball season much more.
- Did you go to college? If so, what was your mascot? Was/is that your favorite team? If not, what was/is your favorite college team? I didn't go to college. My favorite college team is Florida State (Go Noles) with University of Georgia being my second favorite.
- Have you ever embarrassed yourself at a sporting event? Have you seen someone else embarrass themselves at a sporting event? I didn't embarrass myself at the event, however on the way home I did. I called a running back a right back and a linebacker a left back.
- What is your favorite spectator sport (the one you love to watch live)? Baseball (whether it be pro, college, high school or little league), high school football and soccer.
- Do you have a sports hero? If so, what makes them special? Nobody comes to mind at the moment
- What's the most memorable sporting event you have ever watched on television? Watched live? The most memorable was 2004 when the Red Sox won the world series. The most memorable that I watched live was Angela and her soccer team won the State Championship Game in Ocala, Florida in 2005 and in 2006 when the Clewiston Tigers went played in the State Championship game at Pro Player Stadium (although they lost in triple overtime).
- If you have kids or grandkids, do they play sports? David played baseball when he was in elementary school. Angela has played tee ball, softball, soccer and is now doing Cross Country. She loves playing sports.
Random Thoughts
Friday, September 05, 2008
Friday Feast Turns into Food for Thought
Since the Chef over at Friday Feast has been out of the kitchen for some time now (and may be for a while), a fellow blogger has started her own version until the chef returns. It's basically the same idea with a few changes.
Breakfast: Do you use a day planner, calendar, notebook, computer program, PDA, lists on some random piece of paper, or just totally wing things to stay organized? I have a daily planner, but have not been using it lately. I simply make a "to do list" each day or sometimes for the week. I also use my pocket calendar to keep track of appointments. I have to admit, the daily planner worked much better.
Lunch: What is something that you have too much of? Is it possible for a woman to have too many shoes? Let a man take a peek in my closest and he would tell you I have too many shoes.
Dinner: What is one of the most important qualities you need in a friend? Someone who accepts me for who I am and will be honest.
Midnight Snack: Describe yourself using only three adjectives.
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?) Everyone has things going on in their lives (some good and some not) and we don't always know what they are going through. If the cashier at Wal-Mart is not smiling, a co-worker is ill tempered, a friend is short with you on the phone. . . maybe, just maybe something happened in their life prior to you having contact with them that made them react in this manner. Instead of judging them, pray for them. God knows what they are going through.
Breakfast: Do you use a day planner, calendar, notebook, computer program, PDA, lists on some random piece of paper, or just totally wing things to stay organized? I have a daily planner, but have not been using it lately. I simply make a "to do list" each day or sometimes for the week. I also use my pocket calendar to keep track of appointments. I have to admit, the daily planner worked much better.
Lunch: What is something that you have too much of? Is it possible for a woman to have too many shoes? Let a man take a peek in my closest and he would tell you I have too many shoes.
Dinner: What is one of the most important qualities you need in a friend? Someone who accepts me for who I am and will be honest.
Midnight Snack: Describe yourself using only three adjectives.
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?) Everyone has things going on in their lives (some good and some not) and we don't always know what they are going through. If the cashier at Wal-Mart is not smiling, a co-worker is ill tempered, a friend is short with you on the phone. . . maybe, just maybe something happened in their life prior to you having contact with them that made them react in this manner. Instead of judging them, pray for them. God knows what they are going through.
Friday Feast
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Hedge of Protection

Once again we are praying for God to place a hedge of protection around our community as forecasters are predicting another Hurricane on the path to South Florida. Join us in praying that for God's protection and a peace as we watch and wait to see what Ike has in store.
Random Thoughts
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Nature of Love
It is not the nature of love to force a relationship but it is the nature of love to open the way.
~ The Shack (pg. 192)
Random Thoughts
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
So many believe that it is love that grows, but it is the knowing that grows and love simply expands to contain it. Love is just the skin of knowing.
~ The Shack (pg.155)
Random Thoughts
Monday, August 25, 2008
A Little Bit of This and A Little Bit of That.

Oh the joys of living in Southwest Florida during hurricane season. It has rained everyday, except for yesterday, since last Tuesday. Tropical Storm Fay stopped in town for a visit on Tuesday and gave us a good soaking. Alright it could have been much worse, it was only rain and wind. No damage praise God! It's raining again tonight and I suspect it is because Tropical Storm Gustav is on the horizon. So now eyes are trained on the National Hurricane Center website to keep us updated on what Gustav has in store for us. I'm praying for sunny skies but then I prefer sunny skies over rainy ones any day.
Cooking at Sea with Paula Dean. I've tried for a month now to convince Jim that he should stay home and let me accompany Phyllis on the cruise. Honestly, how much fun can he have on a cooking cruise. He won't budge, so I'm stuck here cooking at home. Maybe he'll find a way to bring Bobby Dean home to help me brush up on my cooking skills.
All in all life is good even if it is raining.
Daily Life,
Random Thoughts
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Know & Tell - OCD Edition
1. Do you put the toilet paper on coming over the top or underneath, or does it matter? If someone puts it on wrong do you have to fix it? As long as it gets put on I'm not picky about how it's done.
2. Do you wear shoes in the house? Shoes are the first thing to go once I step inside the house.
3. If something falls out of the dryer when you're folding clothes or putting it in the laundry basket, do you have to rewash it or do you just continue on like nothing happened? Continue on like nothing happened. It's the 10 second rule except with laundry.
4. Which side of the bed do you sleep on? What about in a hotel? Left side, regardless of where I'm at.
5. Do you do everything in the shower in the same order every time? I can't remember what I did in the shower this morning much less what order I did it in.
6. How many times a day do you think you wash your hands? Every time I go to the restroom.
7. What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? Brush my teeth, walk the dog, and make coffee. After that it varies.
2. Do you wear shoes in the house? Shoes are the first thing to go once I step inside the house.
3. If something falls out of the dryer when you're folding clothes or putting it in the laundry basket, do you have to rewash it or do you just continue on like nothing happened? Continue on like nothing happened. It's the 10 second rule except with laundry.
4. Which side of the bed do you sleep on? What about in a hotel? Left side, regardless of where I'm at.
5. Do you do everything in the shower in the same order every time? I can't remember what I did in the shower this morning much less what order I did it in.
6. How many times a day do you think you wash your hands? Every time I go to the restroom.
7. What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? Brush my teeth, walk the dog, and make coffee. After that it varies.
Random Thoughts
Monday, August 18, 2008
High School
Where does the time go? Children grow up too fast. It doesn't seem like that long ago that my baby was starting her first day of school. Today she started high school. She's an amazing young lady and beautiful to boot, but then of course I am biases.

Family Happenings,
School Happenings
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