that was the remark Cheyenne made tonight after Angela took her first shower in 6 days. Actually she has had sponge baths but tonight was the first night she braved taking a shower. After church tonight our friend and registered nurse, Mary, came over and removed her bandages. I attempted to remove it last night but almost passed out while trying to do it so we decided we'd wait and let someone with a stronger stomach do it for us. Her knee looked much better than we expected it to look.
After removing the bandages we put the stabalizer brace back on until she was in the shower, at which point it came off and the water came on. Taking a shower doesn't seem like much work to most of us, but for someone that has had surgery it is very tiring.
We are so thankful that as each day goes by she is one day closer to being back on her feet. We are also thankful for friends that are willing to help out in so many ways.

We are so thankful that as each day goes by she is one day closer to being back on her feet. We are also thankful for friends that are willing to help out in so many ways.
I see a little swelling, but otherwise it looks pretty good. I can picture you back on the athletic fields already! Pinky Wave at ya!