Two weeks ago while getting ready for work I discovered that our hot water heater was leaking. If you have ever lived in a mobile home you know that the water heaters are in a closet. Yeah, our water heater is located in my closet! The plumber came out first thing that morning and had our new water heater installed by 11:00 a.m. and I had a bill of $475 for parts and labor! Just what I needed another bill to pay.
Due to all the construction on the roofs at the church and debris falling everywhere we had a plumbing problem here at the church. Our floor drains in the restrooms were stopped up (which we discovered yesterday morning). The plumber was called yesterday and he advised to wait until this morning since his plumbing fees are doubled on the weekends. First thing this morning the plumber was here to unstop our drains. In talking to him about our problem he informed me that he was supposed to call me today anyway because he needed to discuss my bill with me for the water heater. I thought we had made arrangements for me to pay for the services in two installments so I wasn't sure what he meant by his statement and I was worried that he was about to tell me that he couldn't do the installment payments. I was thrilled however to find out that on Saturday he received a payment in the mail for the bill that I owed him. Someone wrote a check (one of those you get from the bank when you run out of yours) to cover my bill! I asked the plumber if he knew who paid the bill and he said he couldn't read the signature on the check and the return address read "Jesus"!
Needless to say I was thanking God for whomever the person was and thanking him for providing for my needs yet again! This was another reminder that God works everything for good for those that love him and that he supplies our every need whether it be physical, spiritual or financially. Not only is that debt paid but the Bible says "the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus, our Lord." That is what Jesus meant when he said, "It is finished" was that the price for my sin had been "Paid In Full" by his death on the cross. It was as if Jesus was taking a big rubber stamp and stamping my life "Paid In Full!"
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