It's been a busy week with Pre-Graduation festivities. Tonight was Baccalaurete Service for the Class of 2007. This year's service was hosted by New Harvest Church and they did an excellent job of hosting.
It has also been a tearful week for mom. Last night at Class night I got teary eyed as David was presented with the Dan McCarthy Scholarship and talking with parents of his classmates. Earlier this week I got emotional as I read David's blog post about his father coming for graduation. Then tonight again as I tied his tie for the first time. Yes, I actually got it right but only after watching an instruction video off the internet on how to tie one. Tonight at the service as Marci from the Methodist Church sang "The River" by Garth Brooks I got teary eyed again (David use to imitate Garth when he was 3 & 4 years old) . Not to mention seeing the Class of 2007 in their cap and gowns for the first time.
Two of David's classmates, Chantelle Steele and Reggie Gray, sang specials as well at Baccalaurete. The Ministerial Association Scholarship was awarded tonight to Alton Edmons as well as the Fellowship of Christian Athletes Scholarship to David Fountain. New Harvest had a drawing for prizes (2 gift certificates, 2 ipod shuffles, and 2 televisions) for the graduates.
Pastor John Hicks from the Methodist Church brought the message tonight from Romans 8:28. Since this particular verse is one of David's favorites it was special. Not to mention that we are currently studying Romans on Wednesday nights at our church.
Following the service David wanted to go hang out with Tommy and Debbie. He's been busy every night and hasn't had the opporunity to just hang out with friends. Prior to the service I had taken some pictures of David in his cap and gown along with other snapshots of his classmates. But somehow they got deleted. I did manage to get home with some from the service.

That is wonderful!!!!!! I wish we could have been there to see David dressed in his cap and gown. I know that you are very proud of him, and rightly so. Can't wait to see the graduation pictures. Love, Krisy