Pastor Brian announced last night that our next study will be the book of Romans! Can I just tell you I am extremely excited to be able to have the opportunity to do an inductive Bible study on the book of Romans. Yes! One of my favorite things about an inductive Bible study is that we take the scripture verse by verse. It may take a while to get through a book of the Bible, but by the time you are done. . . you know the scripture in an intimate way.
Pastor Brian whetted my appetite last night for this Bible study. Here are a few things he gave us last night:
- A simple outline of Romans:
Chapters 1 - 8: How the Gospel Saves the Sinner
Chapters 9 - 11: How the Gospel Relates to Israel
Chapters 12 - 16: How We live in light of the Gospel. - A Key to Understanding Romans is knowing what imputed righteousness is. Imputed righteousness is a righteousness given without having to earn it.
- The main message in Romans is the Gospel.
- And finally this quote from John Calvin:
“If a man understands Romans he has a sure road open to help him understand the entire Bible.”
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