Last night, following our evening service we had dinner in honor of Jonathan & Lori. It doesn't seem like only 3 years ago we issuing a call to Jonathan to serve as our Youth Pastor. During the evening service, Pastor Brian had a special time of prayer for this family and many asked that God would bless their new ministry and them. It is a joy to hear brothers and sisters lifting one another up in prayer.
Pastor Brian asked Bob & Barbara Buker to say a few words regarding the Brooks' ministry here. I was determined not to cry, however, Barbara broke that determination when she teared as she was sharing her thanks to this beautiful family. Bob summed up the Brooks' ministry here when he read from 1 Timothy 3:1-7, 11.
Throughout their ministry we have become dear friends. I will miss working alongside of Jonathan each day and sitting under his teaching on Wednesday nights. I have been greatly blessed by Lori. Don't let anyone tell that a younger woman cannot teach a older woman. I have learned so much just from watching this godly woman. David and Angela have been mentored by them as well. Wilson, North Carolina is gaining a wonderful family and a family that lives their life to the glory of God.
As the days grow closer to them leaving the harder it is to not tear up thinking of it, yet at the same time I am anxious to see how God is going to use them in Wilson. Wednesday is their last day with us (until we visit or they visit us - this side of eternity). All tears and hugs are reserved for then.
What a beautiful picture of them.