Last night the First United Methodist Church of Clewiston held a Youth Cake Auction. The proceeds from this auction will go to finance the youth mission trip to Tennessee in July. Angela has been an active part of this youth group since Hurricane Wilma hit our community last year. Each youth was required to bake a cake or dessert to auction off. Angela choose to bake a Chocolate Chip Cake (recipe compliments of Lori Brooks). This was her first time baking a cake all by herself. Although we did not taste it, it looked yummy!
Prior to the auction, the youth group helped prepared dinner and set tables for Wednesday Night Dinner. This allowed them to get some community hours (they need a total of 40) needed to go on the mission trip. Following the dinner the auction was held. Angela's cake was auctioned off for $25.01. She said there was a chocolate cake that went for $130.
I didn't get any pictures of her cake before taking it be auctioned off, but David happened to take one of her mixing it up!
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