Friday, March 24 will be 5 months ago that Hurricane Wilma came roaring into town. As I have posted previously, we were blessed with only minor damage to our home. Other than losing some of our vinyl siding and skirting and our shed we were spared any major damage. Clewiston residents have been very busy repairing property that was damaged during the storm. We still see blue tarps and debris throughout the community, however you also see contractors steady at work. It has taken 5 months to finally get our siding and skirting repaired. There have been times when I wanted to just throw up my hands and say "forget it by the time I get it fixed another storm will come through to tear it down again." It's frustrating trying to get contractors to give estimates and then do the work. Especially when it is not a major job. It's nice to pull into our driveway and not see a blue tarp hanging from the side of our house and not see everything under ou
r home.

Hurricane Wilma - October 24, 2005

Post Hurricane Wilma - March 21, 2006
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