"For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready." Revelation 19:7
Girls dream for years about their wedding day. Somewhere stashed in the single gal’s closet is some sort of wedding magazine. Guys, a word of advice right now: DON’T have an opinion about what you want for your wedding. Your woman’s got your whole wedding planned – and it was already done 10 years ago. But that’s the thing; guys don’t sit around chatting to each other about their future weddings over tea. They don’t have secret stashes of wedding magazines under their bed (or maybe they do?) They don’t think about the wedding DAY…. enough said.
But imagine the bride wasn’t ready…. Imagine a bride frantically trying to find a wedding dress store open the eve of her wedding? Imagine trying to find a venue for the wedding the day before? And what about food?! It wouldn’t happen. The wedding day would come and there would be no wedding, only a very disappointed couple.
It seems crazy to not be prepared for a wedding, yet we have no problem not being ready for the ultimate wedding day: when Christ comes to meet His Bride, the church.
God has been dreaming about His “Bride” from the beginning of time. I got some of you confused. Yes, God has a “Bride”. Now before we get all sorts of wacky thoughts about that, let me explain.
God calls His church His “Bride”. That means each person who follows after Christ is His “Bride”. I don’t find that so strange, but I really don’t know how men process that…
This “Bride” doesn’t imply anything sexual, but it speaks of intimacy, friendship, close relationship. God dreams of the day when we, who walked with Him daily, will be with Him forever. Just like any man here on earth, He waits for a Bride that will love Him. He longs for the Bride who will be faithful to Him till “death do us part”. He envisions a Bride adorned in purity and innocence, not tainted by cruelty and selfishness. And just like a man wants a life-mate who shares common interests, God is no different.
My greatest advice to single girls waiting to meet the man of her dreams is this; “BE the kind of person you want to attract”. In other words, if you’re promiscuous, greedy, selfish, or materialistic…. expect something of the same sort in those attracted to you. This same applies to God. He is looking for a people who are pure in heart, loving, full of humility and those who care about the things He cares about.
One day, Christ is coming back for His Bride. We don’t know what day. We don’t know what time. But when He comes, some will be ready, some won’t.