Once upon a time there was a blog that was updated daily or at the very least weekly. That was before the administrator of said blog discovered Facebook and began to neglect her blog. Someone call and report Blog Abuse! For fear of being reported here's a quick update of our lives. . .
We have visited family over the past two months making trips to North Florida and South Georgia. Our time with them was sweet and as always never long enough. In October we celebrated my dad's birthday with family and returned in November for Thanksgiving. During our visit in November we traveled 4 hours north to watch my Alma Mater play in their State Playoffs (sadly they were defeated) with my baby brother and his wife. The kids experienced their first Florida State/University of Florida game (FSU won!).
Over the past month we have experienced the death of two dear friends and mourned the loss yet rejoiced in knowing they have seen the face of their Savior.
David is now registered for 3 pre requiste classes at Palm Beach State and once he completes them will once again apply to Florida State University where he plans on majoring in Business with a minor in Marketing.
Angela is half way through her junior year and is looking forward to Christmas break. She is doing Stats for the High School Soccer team and dating a very sweet young man.
Christmas is only a week away and we just put the tree up Sunday evening and I have not bought the first gift. We are all anticipating what the New Year will bring and look forward to see what God has in store for us.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Deacon Ordination and Pastor Appreciation
Tonight the family of First Baptist Church of Clewiston gathered together to ordain Josh Sherrell as a Deacon and show our appreciation to our Pastor, Todd Buck.

Church and Ministry Happenings
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Coaching Soccer
After coaching Weeball in the spring and enjoying that experience so much I volunteered to coach Soccer. I've served on the board as Treasurer for the past 5 years and only this year even considered coaching. I'm coaching the under 5 kids and loving it as much I loved coaching Weeball. The only difference is I know more about baseball than I do soccer, but I have a great 12 year old assistant coach!

Monday, September 13, 2010
Dear Angela,
Seventeen years ago you came into my life and changed it so totally that I cannot image it without you. You fill my days with every emotion from pleasure and pride to anger and impatience. But most of all you fill each day with your presence, and even when you are away you are in my brain and heart.
It is so hard to watch you grow up, but I feel you are doing a very good job of it. Each year I have seen you change and you are showing all the characteristics and character of a fine young woman. People always tell me how charming and funny you are, how wonderful you look and how interesting you are to talk to -- I am glad to hear these compliments -- but I can see them for myself. There are many minutes, hours, days, when you are a very difficult teenager to live with -- but that is to be expected. Your emotions are always "up front", both the good and the bad. They always will be. That is who you are.
You have a wonderful quality of independence that I value and respect. You are an astounding and confusing mix of willingness to try new things and fear of failing at the every day parts of life. That will change with maturity as you see yourself succeeding and learn to trust yourself. You will make mistakes, fail at things, hurt yourself in a multitude of ways, everyone does, but the power to achieve is in every fiber of you and the will to get what you want will push you past the fear of rejection and failure. I have never been a risk taker and it has limited me in ways you probably cannot see. You must be willing to take risks - the pain of failing passes quicker then the regret of not trying.
Every year you get stronger emotionally as well as physically and I hope you see a little bit more of the wonderful qualities that those of us who love you have seen since you were a baby. You have such a heart for others. I think back to our time in Nicaragua and how you wanted to bring one little boy home with you because you thought he would have more opportunity in the States. You were his friend while we were there; you stopped to play with him every day and always had a smile for him. I also think back to the time when we held a special prayer meeting for our dear friend David Bond and how you prayed straight from you heart without fear and with tears streaming down your face. Everyone was amazed that a child your age could pray the way you did that day. have always been a person with a good heart, and that is a qualityyou have that I value above all. Eventually we all learn to read and write and drive and cook and hold a job, but we cannot "learn" a good heart.
Perhaps now a good time to stop and assess -- look back to where you have come from, to see who you were and who you are -- before plunging forward into adulthood, with all of its challenges and responsibilities. It is a time when parents can still try to protect the child in you since you are still permitted to act like a child, but you can safely assert your independence - parents still love their most obnoxious teenagers.
So today is special, and you are special. Not just because you are my daughter, but because you are a unique individual and one that I respect and enjoy being with. It gives me great pleasure to know that God chose me to be your mother. You have many talents and gifts (sports, drawing, writing, etc.) I love seeing you use those talents. And you have taste, lots of it. And you are tenacious when you want something and you use words so well. As a young person you have figured out how to talk to people -- almost instinctive in your "people skills". All these qualities are sometimes covered over by anger and shouting and frustration and impulse, but as you mature you will get more control and channel those intense emotions more productively. This is a natural process too, just like thinking your parents are godlike, then morons, then boring, then wise.
So take this day and reflect and then go forward. Make this a better place for yourself and those who love you. Happy Birthday!
It is so hard to watch you grow up, but I feel you are doing a very good job of it. Each year I have seen you change and you are showing all the characteristics and character of a fine young woman. People always tell me how charming and funny you are, how wonderful you look and how interesting you are to talk to -- I am glad to hear these compliments -- but I can see them for myself. There are many minutes, hours, days, when you are a very difficult teenager to live with -- but that is to be expected. Your emotions are always "up front", both the good and the bad. They always will be. That is who you are.
You have a wonderful quality of independence that I value and respect. You are an astounding and confusing mix of willingness to try new things and fear of failing at the every day parts of life. That will change with maturity as you see yourself succeeding and learn to trust yourself. You will make mistakes, fail at things, hurt yourself in a multitude of ways, everyone does, but the power to achieve is in every fiber of you and the will to get what you want will push you past the fear of rejection and failure. I have never been a risk taker and it has limited me in ways you probably cannot see. You must be willing to take risks - the pain of failing passes quicker then the regret of not trying.
Every year you get stronger emotionally as well as physically and I hope you see a little bit more of the wonderful qualities that those of us who love you have seen since you were a baby. You have such a heart for others. I think back to our time in Nicaragua and how you wanted to bring one little boy home with you because you thought he would have more opportunity in the States. You were his friend while we were there; you stopped to play with him every day and always had a smile for him. I also think back to the time when we held a special prayer meeting for our dear friend David Bond and how you prayed straight from you heart without fear and with tears streaming down your face. Everyone was amazed that a child your age could pray the way you did that day. have always been a person with a good heart, and that is a qualityyou have that I value above all. Eventually we all learn to read and write and drive and cook and hold a job, but we cannot "learn" a good heart.
Perhaps now a good time to stop and assess -- look back to where you have come from, to see who you were and who you are -- before plunging forward into adulthood, with all of its challenges and responsibilities. It is a time when parents can still try to protect the child in you since you are still permitted to act like a child, but you can safely assert your independence - parents still love their most obnoxious teenagers.
So today is special, and you are special. Not just because you are my daughter, but because you are a unique individual and one that I respect and enjoy being with. It gives me great pleasure to know that God chose me to be your mother. You have many talents and gifts (sports, drawing, writing, etc.) I love seeing you use those talents. And you have taste, lots of it. And you are tenacious when you want something and you use words so well. As a young person you have figured out how to talk to people -- almost instinctive in your "people skills". All these qualities are sometimes covered over by anger and shouting and frustration and impulse, but as you mature you will get more control and channel those intense emotions more productively. This is a natural process too, just like thinking your parents are godlike, then morons, then boring, then wise.
So take this day and reflect and then go forward. Make this a better place for yourself and those who love you. Happy Birthday!
Monday, August 23, 2010
First Day as a Junior
I'm slightly prejudice, however, I think my daughter looked absolutely stunning this morning as she walked out the day for her first day as a Junior in high school!

Family Happenings,
School Happenings
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Insecurities, I so hate you! Spent two months going through a book that was about overcoming our insecurities and still I am clinging to them. You'd think I could just get over it already. Just when I think I'm doing good - bam you raise your ugly head and take control again.
Relationships are the biggest arena for my insecurities to show up. I'll be going along just fine and dandy - bam the voices begin to whisper "you aren't good enough, you've got to be kidding yourself." And they get louder and louder. Until it's the only voice I hear.
I have a tendency to push for more than the one I'm in a relationship with is willing or ready to give. It's always been a downfall in my relationships thus far. I recognize when I'm doing it, but it's like I can't control it no matter how hard I try. A lot of that is insecurity and I realize that.
I also realize that I am free in expressing my feelings and expect others to be the same way. It's annoying, I'm sure, and can feel smothering to the one on the other side of the relationship. When I fall, I fall hard and want that from the one I am with.
So what's wrong with me? Why can't I just be satisfied with where things are and take it one day at a time? Why do I constantly expect more?
Oh to just be able to figure it out and defeat the insecurities before they raise the voices start.
Relationships are the biggest arena for my insecurities to show up. I'll be going along just fine and dandy - bam the voices begin to whisper "you aren't good enough, you've got to be kidding yourself." And they get louder and louder. Until it's the only voice I hear.
I have a tendency to push for more than the one I'm in a relationship with is willing or ready to give. It's always been a downfall in my relationships thus far. I recognize when I'm doing it, but it's like I can't control it no matter how hard I try. A lot of that is insecurity and I realize that.
I also realize that I am free in expressing my feelings and expect others to be the same way. It's annoying, I'm sure, and can feel smothering to the one on the other side of the relationship. When I fall, I fall hard and want that from the one I am with.
So what's wrong with me? Why can't I just be satisfied with where things are and take it one day at a time? Why do I constantly expect more?
Oh to just be able to figure it out and defeat the insecurities before they raise the voices start.
Random Thoughts
Monday, June 28, 2010
Apopka Weekend by the numbers
11 - number of boys on the team
3 - number of awesome coaches
6 - hours spent driving round trip
6 - people sleeping in our hotel room
2 - hours spent in the pool and hot tub combined
10 - bags packed into the van
8 - hot and sticky hours spent at the baseball field
2 - delicious classic margarita's at dinner on Saturday night
1 - awesome man that I had the privilege of spending the weekend with
15 minutes spent laughing after the kids gave their dad a wedgie and put him in the "babysitter".
6 - people in the hot tub
500+ pictures taken at the baseball fields
zero number of pictures taken of me and my awesome man.
Immeasurable number of hours fun had by all.
Zero number of games won.
Family Happenings
Friday, June 25, 2010
Catching Up
Wow! Hard to believe that it's been so long since I posted on the blog. Guess that is what happens we you become addicted to Facebook. So what has happened in the life of the Fountain's since the last post. . .
David took a much needed vacation to Atlanta. He has always wanted to go to Turner Field and watch the Braves play on their home field. He had a great week watching baseball games, touring Turner Field, visiting the Aquarium and getting sick from tasting all the different flavors of Coke at the World of Coke.
Angela is out of school for the summer and is content sitting at home chilling. She wants a summer job and has applied at various places in town, but with the economy as it is she hasn't had any luck. But at least the house stays clean and the laundry isn't piled up on the weekends for me to do. She's been a champ doing chores for me!
I've finished my first season of coaching Wee-Ball and already am looking forward to coaching the little ones again next year. I'm having a party for the team on Thursday to give them their trophies and get one last hug. I didn't think I would miss them as much as I do. We finished a week of VBS at church last night. I leave this afternoon for weekend of baseball in Apopka, Florida. The Clewiston Recreation's 14 year old boys will be competing in the Triple Crown High Heat Allstar tournament on Saturday and Sunday (pictures to follow). Most weekends of late I can be found at a baseball field cheering for my significant other's son.
David took a much needed vacation to Atlanta. He has always wanted to go to Turner Field and watch the Braves play on their home field. He had a great week watching baseball games, touring Turner Field, visiting the Aquarium and getting sick from tasting all the different flavors of Coke at the World of Coke.
Angela is out of school for the summer and is content sitting at home chilling. She wants a summer job and has applied at various places in town, but with the economy as it is she hasn't had any luck. But at least the house stays clean and the laundry isn't piled up on the weekends for me to do. She's been a champ doing chores for me!
I've finished my first season of coaching Wee-Ball and already am looking forward to coaching the little ones again next year. I'm having a party for the team on Thursday to give them their trophies and get one last hug. I didn't think I would miss them as much as I do. We finished a week of VBS at church last night. I leave this afternoon for weekend of baseball in Apopka, Florida. The Clewiston Recreation's 14 year old boys will be competing in the Triple Crown High Heat Allstar tournament on Saturday and Sunday (pictures to follow). Most weekends of late I can be found at a baseball field cheering for my significant other's son.
Family Happenings
Monday, May 17, 2010
Photo Shoot # 2
I had the privilege on Sunday afternoon of taking pictures for my good friend Liz's daughter, Tanya and her boyfriend, Trevor. They are expecting a baby boy on May 25. These are a few of my favorites.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Mother's Day & Graduation
My sister and dad came down on Thursday to visit. It was such a wonderful treat to have them here for Mother's Day and for David's graduation from Palm Beach State College. It was a pretty laid back weekend.
On Sunday evening the five of us drove to Lightys in Lake Port for a delicious seafood dinner and to celebrate Mother's Day.
On Sunday evening the five of us drove to Lightys in Lake Port for a delicious seafood dinner and to celebrate Mother's Day.
We are all so proud of David's accomplishments! He graduated with a 3.75 GPA and got his Associates of Arts Degree in Business. His plans right now are to work full time( provided he can find a full time position), figure out where he wants to continue his education and save some more money to help finance his education. He is the first "Fountain" to graduate from college.

Family Happenings
Sunday, May 02, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
First Family Photo Shoot Part II
My first family photo shoot went exceptionally well (all things considered). This family was just so precious and so patient with me. I meet with Brandi today to show her the pictures and am praying that she will be pleased with the results.

Friday, April 23, 2010
First Family Photo Shoot

I'm so excited to have the opportunity this Sunday afternoon to do a photo shoot of a family here in town. We will be taking pictures in the City Park and at the Golf Course. Praying that they will be happy with the results.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
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