The older I get it seems the years fly by. It's hard to believe that in less than 13 hours another year will have come and gone. Where does the time go? What was accomplished in the year 2008? What will be accomplished in the year ahead? Uncertainty abounds and each of us will experience different depths and widths of uncertainty. Some of us will be looking behind and others will be looking ahead. Many will be going through this coming year wishing that time would rush by and others will be wishing for time to stand still. Whatever it is you are wishing for in 2009 I pray that it would be to make a difference in someone's live, to grow in a your relationship with Christ (and if you don't have a personal relationship with Christ that you would have one before 2009 ends) and that your time, money and talents would be used to glorify Christ.
Have a blessed, safe, and happy new year!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Daily Life
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
More Learning. . .

One of the Christmas gifts from David and Angela was Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2 Ultimate. It arrived yesterday and I have so much to learn. I can't wait to learn more as I get accustomed to this new software.
Daily Life
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I love this quote . . . "I don't love you because I need you, I need you because I love you."
Random Thoughts
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Watermark It
I found this great tutorial that walks you through the steps of creating a watermark. This is a great way to protect your pictures when posting them on the web. Not that I think anyone will ever want to use any of my images, but it was a fun challenge to learn how to do it. The results. . .

Saturday, December 13, 2008
Photo Editing
I've been teaching myself how to edit pictures. I'm becoming more comfortable with the editing software that I currently have (a downloaded trial version of Adobe Photoshop). I have been searching online for a less expensive photo editing software and found this one that I think I will enjoy. In the meantime I 've enjoyed learning by trial and error. Today I practiced on applying filters. Filters let you change the look of your images, for instance by giving them the appearance of impressionistic paintings or mosaic tiles, or adding unique lighting or distortions. You can also use some filters to clean up or retouch your photos. Here are the results from today.
I used the Craqueluring filter which paints an image onto a high-relief plaster surface, producing a fine network of cracks that follow the contours of the image. Use this filter to create an embossing effect with images that contain a broad range of color or grayscale values.
The stylize filters produce a painted or impressionistic effect on a selection by displacing pixels and by finding and heightening contrast in an image. The wind option (shown below) places tiny horizontal lines in the image to create a windblown effect.

Daily Life,
Blissfully Domestic
While browsing the internet (as I often do- admittedly too much) I came across this blissful website. It has something for everyone. I am especially fond of the photography tips found there.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
What We've Been Up To
It's been busy in the Fountain household lately. At times it seems that we are all going in different directions. I guess that is what happens when the kids get older and their lives get busier. So how busy have we been? Here's a run down:
Thanksgiving went by in a blur. Angela and I had Thanksgiving lunch with a friend of ours while David worked. I miss the days of him being home on holidays. His job is such that he has to work most holidays because the full time employees get the day off.
I'm still enjoying learning the ins and outs of my new camera. David and Angela say I can be pretty annoying, but at the same time are glad that I have found something to entertain myself with. Personally, I think they are glad I'm not constantly nagging them. I've been trying to find the time to drive up to Highlands Hammock State Park and just spend the day taking pictures. So far, my schedule is just to busy to do it. Maybe once the holidays are over I'll find the time. I managed to get our tree decorated on Saturday evening after attending the Living Christmas Tree at Dolly Hand Cultural Arts Center with two lovely friends.
Angela's still enjoying soccer even though they have lost their last 4 games. Soccer season will end in January and then she'll be trying out for the softball team. In addition to playing soccer she's doing remarkably well with school this year. Next week are final exams for this semester. It will be a week of studying hard and getting to bed early for her. Last week she was out of school for 3 days with a severe headache, which we later found out was due to an urinary tract infection. She's feeling much better this week and is back to her old self.
David has been extremely busy with school. Last week he had a research paper, a PowerPoint presentation, a speech and a test to prepare for. Luckily this week has been much slower and he's not as stressed as he was. I guess the stress paid off though because he made an A on the research paper and an A on the speech. Time will tell how he did on the test and the PowerPoint presentation. He's registered for the spring semester and looking forward to the week after Christmas with no school and no work.
That pretty much recaps what we've been up. As always we are blessed beyond measure!
Thanksgiving went by in a blur. Angela and I had Thanksgiving lunch with a friend of ours while David worked. I miss the days of him being home on holidays. His job is such that he has to work most holidays because the full time employees get the day off.
I'm still enjoying learning the ins and outs of my new camera. David and Angela say I can be pretty annoying, but at the same time are glad that I have found something to entertain myself with. Personally, I think they are glad I'm not constantly nagging them. I've been trying to find the time to drive up to Highlands Hammock State Park and just spend the day taking pictures. So far, my schedule is just to busy to do it. Maybe once the holidays are over I'll find the time. I managed to get our tree decorated on Saturday evening after attending the Living Christmas Tree at Dolly Hand Cultural Arts Center with two lovely friends.
Angela's still enjoying soccer even though they have lost their last 4 games. Soccer season will end in January and then she'll be trying out for the softball team. In addition to playing soccer she's doing remarkably well with school this year. Next week are final exams for this semester. It will be a week of studying hard and getting to bed early for her. Last week she was out of school for 3 days with a severe headache, which we later found out was due to an urinary tract infection. She's feeling much better this week and is back to her old self.
David has been extremely busy with school. Last week he had a research paper, a PowerPoint presentation, a speech and a test to prepare for. Luckily this week has been much slower and he's not as stressed as he was. I guess the stress paid off though because he made an A on the research paper and an A on the speech. Time will tell how he did on the test and the PowerPoint presentation. He's registered for the spring semester and looking forward to the week after Christmas with no school and no work.
That pretty much recaps what we've been up. As always we are blessed beyond measure!
Daily Life
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Lets Say Thanks
I received an email today from a friend about something cool that Xerox is doing. If you go to this website, You can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq. You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to some member of the armed services. It's FREE and it only takes a second. The site has suggested messages or you can write your own message.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers received a bunch of these? Whether you are for or against the war, our guys and girls over there need to know we are thinking of them. They are fighting for us and so often we take our freedom for granted.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers received a bunch of these? Whether you are for or against the war, our guys and girls over there need to know we are thinking of them. They are fighting for us and so often we take our freedom for granted.
Daily Life
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