Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Mama's Happy
It's just the simple things in life that make me happy and David chose to do one of those simple things today. He got his hair cut short for the first time in 2 years. Yes, this Mama is happy!
Daily Life,
Family Happenings,
Random Thoughts
Monday, September 29, 2008
Don this is for You
My Sunday School teacher and good friend, Don, who frequently reads my blog has double dog dared me to ask my readers to answer the following questions about myself:
1. What dog do I most resemble?
2. What is your favorite zoo animal?
3. What zoo animal reminds you most of me?
I don't think Don is aware that I seldom back down from a double dog dare. So, go ahead answer the questions. Especially you Don. Come on I double dog dare you, scaredy cat.
1. What dog do I most resemble?
2. What is your favorite zoo animal?
3. What zoo animal reminds you most of me?
I don't think Don is aware that I seldom back down from a double dog dare. So, go ahead answer the questions. Especially you Don. Come on I double dog dare you, scaredy cat.
Random Thoughts
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Yesterday two couples from our church and I went to see the movie "Fireproof". Fireproof not only portrayed what it means to have a Christ-centered marriage, but also had a Christ centered message. The gospel message was clearly presented throughout the entire movie.
It is geared primarily to marriage, however the principles found within the movie can be used in any relationship. Although I am not married I still enjoyed the movie and God spoke to me through it. I would encourage not only married couples, but singles as well to take the time to go see it. It's well worth the money.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Know & Tell: Animal Edition
1. What dog do yo
u most resemble? The Doberman. I'm serious and extremely determined. I display unbeaten loyalty and love to the people I care for, which I might add are rather few. I find it hard to love anyone outside my "comfort zone". I've very watchful and reserved with most things saving my humorous, soft side for those I love. I tend to be fearless in the face of the enemy, but rather cautious in my actions.
2. What is your favorite zoo animal? The monkey. They are just too cute.
3. What zoo animal reminds you most of yourself? The Lion.
4. Do you have any pets? If so, how may, what kind and what are their names? If not, would you like one? I have 2 cats and a dog. The cats are Whiskers and Vanilla. The dog is Bayleigh.
5. Have you ever ridden a horse? Yes, although I wasn't crazy about riding it.
6. Have you ever milked a cow? Yes, when I was really young. I hadn't thought about that in years.
7. Why don't sheep shrink when it rains? There are somethings in life that never cross my mind and this would be one of those.

2. What is your favorite zoo animal? The monkey. They are just too cute.
3. What zoo animal reminds you most of yourself? The Lion.
4. Do you have any pets? If so, how may, what kind and what are their names? If not, would you like one? I have 2 cats and a dog. The cats are Whiskers and Vanilla. The dog is Bayleigh.
5. Have you ever ridden a horse? Yes, although I wasn't crazy about riding it.
6. Have you ever milked a cow? Yes, when I was really young. I hadn't thought about that in years.
7. Why don't sheep shrink when it rains? There are somethings in life that never cross my mind and this would be one of those.
Random Thoughts
Friday, September 26, 2008
Food for Thought
Breakfast: Who was your role model growing up? My mom. She was a wonderful example of what a mother/wife should be. She taught me so many things and I have always hoped to be the kind of person she was.
Lunch: Who would you turn to first if you were in desperate need of help? My dad. He's always been the one I could count on no matter what.
Dinner: Are you generally organized or messy? Organized. Messes unnerve me. I am a neat freak.
Midnight Snack: What do you do when you can't sleep at night? Read the book that is beside by bed.
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?) Don't worry about yesterday, it's in the past.
Lunch: Who would you turn to first if you were in desperate need of help? My dad. He's always been the one I could count on no matter what.
Dinner: Are you generally organized or messy? Organized. Messes unnerve me. I am a neat freak.
Midnight Snack: What do you do when you can't sleep at night? Read the book that is beside by bed.
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?) Don't worry about yesterday, it's in the past.
Random Thoughts
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Who We Are in Christ
His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins. ~ 1 Peter 1:3-9
Devotional Thoughts
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Living as an Ambassador
I've been reading through Instrument in the Redeemer's Hand for a while now. It's one of those books that I'm having to move through slowly to absorb all the wonderful nuggets that are found within it's pages. After the 6th chapter Tripp begins to focus on how to live as an ambassador, whether it is in the formal ministry of the local church or personally ministry. The first way to live as an ambassador that Tripp talks about is Love.
Here are just a few of the nuggets that I'm pondering after my reading time today:
Here are just a few of the nuggets that I'm pondering after my reading time today:
- The church is not a theological classroom. It is a conversion, confession, repentance, reconciliation, forgiveness and sanctification center, where flawed people place their trust in Christ, gather to know and love him better, and learn to love others as he has designed. The church is messy and inefficient, but it is God's wonderful mess - the place where he radically transforms hearts and lives.
- I am deeply persuaded that the foundation for people-transforming ministry is not sound theology; it is love. Without love, our theology is a boat without oars. Love is what drove God to send and sacrifice his Son. Love led Christ to subject himself to a sinful world and the horrors of the cross. Love is what causes him to seek and save the lost, and to persevere until each of his children is transformed into his image. His love will not rest until all of his children are at his side in glory. The hope of every sinner does not rest in theological answers but in the love of Christ for his own. Without it, we have no hope personally, relationally, or eternally.
- Paul says, "You are the recipients of Christ's love and nothing can separate you from it." This love offers hope to anyone willing to confess sin and cry out for transformation. Yet this is where we often get stuck. We want ministry that doesn't demand love that is, well, so demanding! We don't want to serve others in a way that requires so much personal sacrifice. We would prefer to lob grenades of truth into people's lives rather than lay down our lives for them. But this is exactly what Christ did for us. Can we expect to be called to do anything else?
- We cannot be part of Christ's life-giving work without being willing to lay down our own.
Devotional Thoughts,
Random Thoughts
Friday, September 19, 2008
Food for Thought
Breakfast: What is one thing you look forward to each day? Each week? The one thing I look forward to each day is being with my children and having conversations with them. The one thing I look forward to each week is the weekend.
Lunch: Are you a hoarder or a chucker? I'm a chucker.
Dinner: Do your dinner meals consist mostly of home cooked meals, convenience foods (i.e. boxed, frozen, heat & serve, etc.), or fast food? Who does most of the cooking in your home? For the most part we have home cooked meals, except on Wednesday and Friday. I do all the cooking in my home.
Midnight Snack: Has the rising cost of gasoline caused you to restrict, limit, or alter anything in your life? If so what. Not really, which is costing us and altering our bank accounts.
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?) Letting go doesn't mean giving up, it's accepting things that cannot be.
Lunch: Are you a hoarder or a chucker? I'm a chucker.
Dinner: Do your dinner meals consist mostly of home cooked meals, convenience foods (i.e. boxed, frozen, heat & serve, etc.), or fast food? Who does most of the cooking in your home? For the most part we have home cooked meals, except on Wednesday and Friday. I do all the cooking in my home.
Midnight Snack: Has the rising cost of gasoline caused you to restrict, limit, or alter anything in your life? If so what. Not really, which is costing us and altering our bank accounts.
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?) Letting go doesn't mean giving up, it's accepting things that cannot be.
Random Thoughts
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Her First Meet
Since becoming a freshman this year Angela has joined the high school Cross Country Team. The team had their first meet this afternoon in Lake Placid. She ran the 5k in 31 minutes. Not bad for a first time runner. She improved her time of 36 minutes from last week when they ran the 5k at practice. As the season progresses I have no doubt her times will improve.
School Happenings,
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Angela's Fifteen

Angela I loved teaching you things when you were a little girl. . .
but did you know how much I was learning from you at the same time?
Seeing your reactions to the world, listening to your fresh new outlooks,
and sharing in things that were important to you taught me a lot about
the responsibilities - and joys - of being a parent. . .
And watching you turn out to be the wonderful young woman you are
has reinforced something that I've known all along -
you're a very special daughter!
Happy Birthday Baby!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Food for Thought
Breakfast: If you were to choose a new name for yourself what would it be and why? Were there any other names your parents almost gave you? When I was younger I would have changed my name to something different, but I can't remember what those names might have been. But now, I don't think I could change my name since I've had it so long.
Lunch: How do you usually spend your Sunday afternoon? Relaxing or napping.
Dinner: What would be your last meal if you were about to walk the green mile? I don't think I'd want anything to eat, I'd be too busy saying "good-byes" to eat.
Midnight Snack: Have you ever broken any bones? Thank goodness NO!
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?) Friends come and go, but old friends pull at your heart.
Lunch: How do you usually spend your Sunday afternoon? Relaxing or napping.
Dinner: What would be your last meal if you were about to walk the green mile? I don't think I'd want anything to eat, I'd be too busy saying "good-byes" to eat.
Midnight Snack: Have you ever broken any bones? Thank goodness NO!
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?) Friends come and go, but old friends pull at your heart.
Random Thoughts
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Clewiston Middle School Football
Today was the opening game for the Clewiston Middle School Tigers against Jupiter Christian School. The game was played in Palm Beach and it was a beautiful morning to watch a football game. Bubba and I drove over along with the Crawford's, the Thomas', the Houghtaling's, and the Bowers' to watch their sons play. The boys played an excellent game and won 21-0!
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BubbleShare: Share photos - Create and Share Crafts
Time with Friends
Know & Tell: Sports Edition
- Do you live for the start of college football? Professional football? Does anyone in your house? Do you know anyone who does? David and I both like college football, but we don't live for it. We look forward to Baseball season much more.
- Did you go to college? If so, what was your mascot? Was/is that your favorite team? If not, what was/is your favorite college team? I didn't go to college. My favorite college team is Florida State (Go Noles) with University of Georgia being my second favorite.
- Have you ever embarrassed yourself at a sporting event? Have you seen someone else embarrass themselves at a sporting event? I didn't embarrass myself at the event, however on the way home I did. I called a running back a right back and a linebacker a left back.
- What is your favorite spectator sport (the one you love to watch live)? Baseball (whether it be pro, college, high school or little league), high school football and soccer.
- Do you have a sports hero? If so, what makes them special? Nobody comes to mind at the moment
- What's the most memorable sporting event you have ever watched on television? Watched live? The most memorable was 2004 when the Red Sox won the world series. The most memorable that I watched live was Angela and her soccer team won the State Championship Game in Ocala, Florida in 2005 and in 2006 when the Clewiston Tigers went played in the State Championship game at Pro Player Stadium (although they lost in triple overtime).
- If you have kids or grandkids, do they play sports? David played baseball when he was in elementary school. Angela has played tee ball, softball, soccer and is now doing Cross Country. She loves playing sports.
Random Thoughts
Friday, September 05, 2008
Friday Feast Turns into Food for Thought
Since the Chef over at Friday Feast has been out of the kitchen for some time now (and may be for a while), a fellow blogger has started her own version until the chef returns. It's basically the same idea with a few changes.
Breakfast: Do you use a day planner, calendar, notebook, computer program, PDA, lists on some random piece of paper, or just totally wing things to stay organized? I have a daily planner, but have not been using it lately. I simply make a "to do list" each day or sometimes for the week. I also use my pocket calendar to keep track of appointments. I have to admit, the daily planner worked much better.
Lunch: What is something that you have too much of? Is it possible for a woman to have too many shoes? Let a man take a peek in my closest and he would tell you I have too many shoes.
Dinner: What is one of the most important qualities you need in a friend? Someone who accepts me for who I am and will be honest.
Midnight Snack: Describe yourself using only three adjectives.
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?) Everyone has things going on in their lives (some good and some not) and we don't always know what they are going through. If the cashier at Wal-Mart is not smiling, a co-worker is ill tempered, a friend is short with you on the phone. . . maybe, just maybe something happened in their life prior to you having contact with them that made them react in this manner. Instead of judging them, pray for them. God knows what they are going through.
Breakfast: Do you use a day planner, calendar, notebook, computer program, PDA, lists on some random piece of paper, or just totally wing things to stay organized? I have a daily planner, but have not been using it lately. I simply make a "to do list" each day or sometimes for the week. I also use my pocket calendar to keep track of appointments. I have to admit, the daily planner worked much better.
Lunch: What is something that you have too much of? Is it possible for a woman to have too many shoes? Let a man take a peek in my closest and he would tell you I have too many shoes.
Dinner: What is one of the most important qualities you need in a friend? Someone who accepts me for who I am and will be honest.
Midnight Snack: Describe yourself using only three adjectives.
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?) Everyone has things going on in their lives (some good and some not) and we don't always know what they are going through. If the cashier at Wal-Mart is not smiling, a co-worker is ill tempered, a friend is short with you on the phone. . . maybe, just maybe something happened in their life prior to you having contact with them that made them react in this manner. Instead of judging them, pray for them. God knows what they are going through.
Friday Feast
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Hedge of Protection

Once again we are praying for God to place a hedge of protection around our community as forecasters are predicting another Hurricane on the path to South Florida. Join us in praying that for God's protection and a peace as we watch and wait to see what Ike has in store.
Random Thoughts
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
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