Thursday, August 28, 2008
Nature of Love
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
A Little Bit of This and A Little Bit of That.

Oh the joys of living in Southwest Florida during hurricane season. It has rained everyday, except for yesterday, since last Tuesday. Tropical Storm Fay stopped in town for a visit on Tuesday and gave us a good soaking. Alright it could have been much worse, it was only rain and wind. No damage praise God! It's raining again tonight and I suspect it is because Tropical Storm Gustav is on the horizon. So now eyes are trained on the National Hurricane Center website to keep us updated on what Gustav has in store for us. I'm praying for sunny skies but then I prefer sunny skies over rainy ones any day.
Cooking at Sea with Paula Dean. I've tried for a month now to convince Jim that he should stay home and let me accompany Phyllis on the cruise. Honestly, how much fun can he have on a cooking cruise. He won't budge, so I'm stuck here cooking at home. Maybe he'll find a way to bring Bobby Dean home to help me brush up on my cooking skills.
All in all life is good even if it is raining.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Know & Tell - OCD Edition
2. Do you wear shoes in the house? Shoes are the first thing to go once I step inside the house.
3. If something falls out of the dryer when you're folding clothes or putting it in the laundry basket, do you have to rewash it or do you just continue on like nothing happened? Continue on like nothing happened. It's the 10 second rule except with laundry.
4. Which side of the bed do you sleep on? What about in a hotel? Left side, regardless of where I'm at.
5. Do you do everything in the shower in the same order every time? I can't remember what I did in the shower this morning much less what order I did it in.
6. How many times a day do you think you wash your hands? Every time I go to the restroom.
7. What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? Brush my teeth, walk the dog, and make coffee. After that it varies.
Monday, August 18, 2008
High School

Mission Trip
On Saturday morning we meet the other mission team members at the church to load the bus and travel to Miami International Airport. We flew out of Miami at 1:05 p.m. and arrived in Managua, Nicaragua at 1:40 p.m. (they are two hours behind us). Once in Managua we went through customs and then to the Best Western Las Mercedes. After checking into our rooms we hired a taxi (actually 3 of them) to take us to a local restaurant. The food was great but very expensive and we were there for 4 hours. We return to the hotel after dinner since we had to get up at 4:00 a.m. to get in line at the airport to fly to Puerto Cabezas. We learned early on that getting up at 4:00 a.m. would become a routine. After standing in line for hours we finally got 10 tickets to Puerto Cabezas. The flight was 2 hours long and very cramped. Once in Puerto Cabezas we were met by Pastor Rafia who took us to the compound where we had lunch and loaded our supplies onto the bus and traveled another hour to the village of Sin-Sin. Once in Sin-Sin we set up our campsite and cooked dinner. Then it was lights out.
Monday morning came early (yes, 4:00 a.m. the generator kicked in and sleeping was not an option). We served the men breakfast , had a morning devotion and then they headed to the work site to begin building. Later in the morning, Angela, Barbara and I went to the work site and helped the men for a while before going back to camp to cook lunch for them. After lunch we relaxed for a while and then went back to help the men again. During the week we had many opportunities to spend with the children that lived in the village. The men would stop working around 5:00 p.m. each day so they could take showers before nightfall. After showers we would eat and have evening devotions before bunking down for the night. That became the routine for the entire week. We enjoyed conversations between all of us and developed deeper relationships with each other.
On Wednesday evening we went to church with the congregation who we were building a church for. Our Associate Pastor had the privilege of preaching that night and did a wonderful job. A translator was translating as he preached. It was wonderful to worship with brothers and sisters in Christ from another nation.
Angela loved playing with the children and every time we would leave the campsite or work site we were followed by a dozen children. Many times they would hold our hands as we walked. One afternoon Angela reached out and tickled one of the girls at the work site. They spent the next hour chasing us and us chasing them just to tickle each other. We were amazed at how the children worked along side the adults and how strong they were. One little boy in particular captured Angela's heart and she wanted to bring him home. She cried on Friday morning as she told him goodbye.
On Friday morning we packed up our campsite. Prior to leaving we had the pleasure of watching three men being baptized in the creek and then we went to the church to pray with the congregation. As we got on the bus it wasn't surprising to see tears in the eyes of the mission team. Those people had touched our hearts.
Although we spent a week camping and what we would consider "roughing" it, we enjoyed every moment of it. To witness people that have no material possessions yet are content in their circumstances made us more aware of how blessed we truly are. Yet at the same time I envy the Miskito people because as you live among them for that week you realize that their source of joy and satisfaction is found in Christ.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Home Sweet Home
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Know & Tell: Fill in Edition
- My favorite bedtime attire is sweatpants and t-shirt.
That was in 1999. I was 33 years old.
4. My earliest memory is of being at my grandparent's home.
5. The family is gone for the evening and I will spend my time reading.
6. Right now I am in Nicaragua.
7. When I am done blogging, I am going to work some more.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Ready or Not

Ready or not we are on our way to Nicaragua. Our flight leaves this afternoon from Miami International Airport at 1:05 p.m. Angela and I both are excited yet nervous as to what the next week holds in store for us. We have looked at the weather forecast for the week and it is supposed to be 60% chance of rain with a high of 95 (the heat index will make it warmer). Pray that the Miskito people would see Christ in us as we minister among them this week.
Living as Women of Substance: Phrase 7
As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience. (Luke 8:15)
Press Forth Toward Your 100 Fold:
Persevere! Press On! Harvest takes time, hang in there. Do not be a woman that starts something and does not finish it before the harvest comes. We have to believe God for His completed work.
Then the angel I had seen standing on the sea and on the land raised his right hand to heaven. And he swore by him who lives for ever and ever, who created the heavens and all that is in them, the earth and all that is in it, and the sea and all that is in it, and said, "There will be no more delay! But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets." (Revelation 10:5-7)
Press Forth toward being a "woman of substance" that will live a life of maximum impact.
And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6)
Friday, August 08, 2008
Living as Women of Substance: Phrase 6
Retain the Word:
Ask God to give you a word or scripture to sustain you through the day during your quiet time. She suggested that we develop (if we haven't already) a quiet time. She encouraged us to sow God's seed in the morning (Ecclesiastes 11:6) because we have the capacity to learn more first thing.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Living as Women of Substance : Phrase 5
And as for what fell among the thorns, they are those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by the cares and riches and pleasures of life, and their fruit does not mature. (Luke 8:14)
Stop the Choke:
Anxiety chokes the Word out of us. Philippians 4:6 tells us to not be anxious for anything. When we are anxious it is then that we need to hear God's Word, if we are worrying we aren't going to hear God's Word because it is being choked out. We are called to be warriors not worriers.
Also if we are immature we will want the "riches & pleasures" of this world and the Word of God will be choked out of our lives. True riches and pleasures are found in Christ (1 Corinthians 1:5-8).
Stop the choke. We will never become a "woman of substance"
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Living as Women of Substance: Phrase 4
And the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear the word, receive it with joy. But these have no root; they believe for a while, and in time of testing fall away. (Luke 8:13)Dig Roots:
My roots are as deep as I am convinced of the Father's love for me. Roots are developed in LOVE! We must know that we know that we know that we are loved by the Father. Never forget the song "Jesus Loves Me this I know for the Bible Tells Me So".
We will never bear fruit above if we don't have roots below. (2 Kings 19:29-31).
Dig roots in Christ so that, through the Spirit, you become a "woman of substance" that will live a life of maximum impact.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Living as Women of Substance: Phrase 3
And the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear the word, receive it with joy. But these have no root; they believe for a while, and in time of testing fall away.. (Luke 8:13)Expect the Test
The Greek word for testing is "peirasmos". It means trials (God) to make us stand and temptations (Satan) to make us fall.
Psalm 126:5-6 tells us that those who sow God's seed in tears will reap with shouts of joy!
Beth told us to be genuine. Our kids don't expect us to be perfect but they do expect us to be real!
The testing is God's way, through the Spirit, to refine us into a "woman of substance" that will live a life of maximum impact.
Monday, August 04, 2008
Living as Women of Substance: Phrase 2
The ones along the path are those who have heard; then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. (Luke 8:12)
Protect Your Heart:
Satan comes to destroy. God gives us His Word and it is not up for grabs! Hide God's Word in your heart. Look for a minute at these two contrasting verses:
Luke 8:12 "in order that they may not" (Satan)
John 10:10 "I have come that you may have" (Christ).
Satan robs us of everything thing, while Christ (when we place our trust and faith in Him) gives us all good things.
I was reminded of the lyrics in the Hymn "Come Thou Fount of Ev'ry Blessing" that says. . . Here's my heart, oh, take and seal it, seal it for Thy courts above.
Protect your heart so that, through the Spirit, you become a woman of substance that will live a life of maximum impact.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Living as Women of Substance: Phrase 1
He said, "The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that," 'though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand.' (Luke 8:10)Treasure the Wonder:
God wants to reveal Himself to us through His Word. There are mysteries concerning the kingdom of God. All Scripture is God breathed and God desires to speak to us. As we grow in a more intimate relationship with Him, he will reveal more about his self to us. He has given us His Word so that we will be competently complete! As we treasure the word, we are becoming, through the Spirit, women of substance that will live a life of maximum impact.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Living Proof Live Simulcast Recap
As they went from town to town, a lot of people joined in and traveled along. He addressed them, using this story: "A farmer went out to sow his seed. Some of it fell on the road; it was tramped down and the birds ate it. Other seed fell in the gravel; it sprouted, but withered because it didn't have good roots. Other seed fell in the weeds; the weeds grew with it and strangled it. Other seed fell in rich earth and produced a bumper crop. (100 fold)I cannot begin to describe the blessing it was to be one of the 70,000 women in 715 locations around the world via simulcast. I want to share what I learned from Beth Moore over the past two days, however I'm not going to do it all in one post. But I will give you something to nibble on tonight.
"Are you listening to this? Really listening?"
His disciples asked, "Why did you tell this story?"
He said, "You've been given insight into God's kingdom—you know how it works. There are others who need stories. But even with stories some of them aren't going to get it:
Their eyes are open but don't see a thing,
Their ears are open but don't hear a thing.
"This story is about some of those people. The seed is the Word of God. The seeds on the road are those who hear the Word, but no sooner do they hear it than the Devil snatches it from them so they won't believe and be saved.
"The seeds in the gravel are those who hear with enthusiasm, but the enthusiasm doesn't go very deep. It's only another fad, and the moment there's trouble it's gone.
"And the seed that fell in the weeds—well, these are the ones who hear, but then the seed is crowded out and nothing comes of it as they go about their lives worrying about tomorrow, making money, and having fun.
"But the seed in the good earth—these are the good-hearts who seize the Word and hold on no matter what, sticking with it until there's a harvest.
Luke 8:4-15 (The Message)
Beth began Friday night by speaking from Luke 8:1-15. She started by telling us that if we were in Christ we are "women on substance". She pulled this from the phrase in Luke 8:3b "These women were helping to support them out of their own means." Now this phrase means that these women had some wealth. Beth went on to explain that we are "women of means" or "women of substance" (King James version) in the Spirit and in order to be "women of substance" and to live with maximum impact (a 100 fold harvest in our lives), we must learn to hear God's word speak to us. She gave us 7 phrases to help us remember over the course of Friday night and Saturday morning.
Over the next week, I will share those 7 phrases. In the meantime pray that the Word that was heard by 70,000 would take root in the lives of those women and that each one would live as a woman of substance and live a life of maximum impact.
Know & Tell
- Which is worse: speaking to a large crowd or working under an impossible deadline? Speaking to a large crowd. Believe it or not as much as I enjoy talking I get nervous when speaking in large groups. Oops now I just informed everyone how to get me to shut up!
3. Do you eat seafood? Yes, one of my favorites!
4. What is the worst thing you have ever eaten? Raw Oysters!
5. Which would make you feel more appreciated by your DH/SO: bringing home flowers, doing a chore without being asked, or asking you on a "date"? Any of them. But the "date" would win out because it's time spent with each other.
6. What is something fun you are going to do today? I'm going to Ft. Myers tonight for a Beth Moore Simulcast.
7. What qualities do you look for in a friend. . . in other words, what causes you to really "click" with someone? Honest, trustworthy and being themselves. I don't "click" with people that pretend to be someone they aren't.
Friday, August 01, 2008
Living Proof Live Simulcast
Friday Feast
- Appetizer: If you learned today you were going to die tomorrow, name three things you would do. CRY. . . not because I'm afraid of dying, but I would be sad knowing my time with my children, my family, and my friends was going to end. Second, pray that the doctors were wrong and ask God for a miracle. Third, hold my children in my arms until my appointed time came.
- Soup: What is your very first memory? Sitting on my grandparents porch in the porch swing with my grandfather while he played "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" on the harmonica.
- Salad: Name one service you are willing to pay for and one you are not. Willing to pay for a manicure not willing to pay for housekeeping.
- Main Course: Do you make your bed every day? Yes, if I could only get my kids to do the same.
- Dessert: Name the most significant thing you learned this week. That I take for granted the luxuries we have in America. Learned this just trying to prepare for the mission trip I will be going on. I'm sure once I get back that lesson will be even more significant.