Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
What's Up with That ?
The sale of the nation's largest producer of cane sugar means 1,700 workers will be left jobless, not to mention the spinoff effects on Clewiston businesses that depend on them as customers. U.S. Sugar is the heart of Clewiston, literally -- the town is built around the company's two-story red brick headquarters, and the mill is just down the road.
The mood around town is a mixture of anxiousness, anger and fear. We are facing the unknown. There are those that are looking on the bright side and I guess that is a good thing. I worry about the 1,700 people that will be without jobs in 6 years and those of us that do not work directly for US Sugar but will feel the effects in some way or another.
My biggest question (aside from where will these people find jobs and how will this town survive) is how does Crist justify cutting our education budget and then make an announcement such as this. What's more important Charlie our children or the everglades?
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Know & Tell
- If a five dollar bill magically appeared on your door step at the beginning of the day, every day what would you do with it? Put away for emergencies.
- Tell us about your favorite teacher from elementary/middle school/high school. You expect me to remember that far back. . . for the life of me I can't recall a favorite. I do remember my 9th grade English Literature teacher as being funny due to the brandy she put in her thermos of coffee every day. By the time I had her at the end of the day she was pretty lit.
- If you could make one person disappear for good, who would it be? I'm drawing a blank. Someone like Hitler.
- Do you believe in fairies? No.
- What era is your favorite for music? The 60's - 80's.
- Have you ever, or would you ever, have cosmetic surgery? Have never had it nor do I think I ever would unless medically necessary.
- If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? I'm satisfied with my name. The only reason I would need to change it would be if I got re-married and I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Friday's Feast
Soup: On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how career-minded are you? My family is much more important to me than any career so I'll say a 4.
Salad: What type of window coverings do you have in your home? Blinds, curtains, shutters, etc.? Blinds
Main Course: Name something that instantly cheers you up. My children and e-mails from my best friend.
Dessert: How many times do you hit the snooze button on a typical morning? At least once, depends on how well I slept the night before.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Know & Tell
- Which is your favorite season? Why? I love summer and the freedom it brings to our schedule. Not to mention that is when we are more likely to do spontaneous things.
- Are you a bikini or one piece gal? Do the same rules apply to your daughter, if you have one? One piece gal. I haven't worn a bikini since I was my daughter's age. As for my daughter, she prefers a bikini. She is very good about the modesty issue and will find one that covers her body.
- What is your favorite summer getaway? Beach? Lake? Mall? Indoor ice skating? Why? The beach, but unfortunately we live 2 hours away from one so we don't get to go very often.
- You're on a sandy beach, looking out at a perfectly blue ocean. The weather is perfect. What's on the table next to you? What book are you reading? Who is sitting next to you? What are you drinking? On the table next to me is sunscreen. I'm reading the latest James Patterson book. My daughter is sitting next me and I'm drinking sweet iced tea or water.
- Do you tan? If so, are you an all-natural tanner or do you go to a salon? I go to the salon otherwise I burn and peel.
- What is your favorite summer clothing? Flip flops, shorts and a t-shirt.
- You're suddenly able to transport yourself to any summer in your past. What year would you choose to be in? 1998. That summer will always be special to me.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Friday's Feast
Soup: Which browser do you use to surf the Internet? Mozilla Firefox.
Salad:On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being highest), how much do you know about the history of your country? Not as much as I should know, 5.
Main Course: Finish this sentence: Love is… patient, kind, it doesn't envy, it doesn't boast, it isn't proud. It is not self-seeking, it is not rude, it keeps no record of wrong doing, it is not easily angered. It doesn't delight in evil, but rejoices in truth. Love protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres.
Dessert: Have you ever been in or near a tornado? I've seen funnel clouds but thankfully I've never been in or near a tornado.
Vacation Bible School - Day 3
After I leave work, Angela and I are headed to Miami to spend time with Tom. We are looking forward to the time we will have with him. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Vacation Bible School - Tuesday
Vacation Bible School
Monday night was our first night. Considering that most of the workers and children are accustomed to a 4 hour schedule and we are on a 2 and 1/2 hour schedule things ran very smoothly and the children enjoyed themselves.
As the week progresses I will post more pictures, but here are some from the first night.
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Sunday, June 15, 2008
Another Thought on Father's Day
A few of those that come to mind are: Granddaddy J.M., Uncle Andy, Uncle Lamon, Uncle Robert, Uncle Ken, Tom, Jonathan, Tim, Brian, Joshua, Bubba, Jim, Sean, Don, George, Larry, Jason, Richard, Bill, Hueland, and Frank. These men have at various times and in various ways touched their lives for the better.
So to these men and all those in the world that touch a child's life even if they aren't their father, I say thank you. You may not realize the time you invest in a child's life makes a difference.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Happy Father's Day

I wouldn't be the person I am today if not for you. You have shown by example what it is to be a man through being a son, a husband, a father, and a grandfather. Your love, encouragement, discipline (and boy did this girl need it through the years), and support are just some of the ways that you have taught me to be the woman I am today.
As I have watched and admired you throughout the years I have always known that you are a man that loves God and his family. Thank you Daddy, for being the man you are and being such an loving, caring and supporting Dad. I'm proud to be your baby girl!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Know & Tell
2. What is the worst thing you have ever eaten? Raw Oysters, I still cringe at the thought of them.
3. What is your favorite movie, and why? Ghost. It's just an awesome love story.
4. What one physical feature would you want to change about yourself? My legs and thighs. I'd like them to be longer and thinner.
5. Would you rather travel the world, or travel through space? Travel the world.
There is so much of just the United States alone that I haven't seen, not to mention other countries.
6. Favorite cell phone feature: camera or texting? The camera, because I'm always forgetting mine.
7. Sports car or SUV? Neither, I like my mini van!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Friday Feast
Soup: What is your favorite color of ink to write with? I've never really given it much thought. I write mostly with black ink.
Salad: How often do you get a manicure or pedicure? Do you do them yourself or go to a salon and pay for them? I get a manicure twice a month and I pray to have it done. It's the one treat to myself that I enjoy. I've had one pedicure that I paid for.
Main Course: Have you ever won anything online? If so, what was it? I've never won anything (online or otherwise).
Dessert: In which room in your house do you keep your home computer? I have a laptop, so it moves from room to room. Most of the time it's in the living room.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Beach Wedding
Prior to the wedding on Saturday we enjoyed lounging on the beach for an hour and then spending the rest of the afternoon enjoying the pool at the hotel. Needless to say, both of us were a bit red for the wedding that evening.
Here's some pictures from our weekend.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Know & Tell: Friend Edition
1. Who would you rather be for a day: your best friend or your worst enemy? If I have a worst enemy, I am not aware of it. I'd choose to be my best friend. To have the wisdom and knowledge that he has would be a great asset.
2. Could you work with your best friend? Yes. In the past I have worked with one of my best friends and it was great.
3. Do you think it would be a blast or a nightmare to blog with a friend? I don't have a clue.
4. Could you share an email account with any of your friends? E-mail accounts are not something I'd share with my friends. That would be like sharing your underwear. The only instance I can think of that I would share an email account would be if I was married.
5. You have a day to take a friend out and have fun. Describe the day. If it were actually financial feasible I'd make us an appointment to be pampered at spa for the day. But I don't see that happening anytime soon.
6.Could you switch lives with a good friend? What would you find to be better/easier/nicer than your own life, and what would be really difficult for you? I have no desire to switch lives with anyone. We tend to think that the grass is greener on the other side, but once you get there you find out it's not.
Bonus Non-Friend Related Question:
- Are there any of these products you might be willing to eat? I'd starve to death first.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Friday Feast
Appetizer: When you drink soda/pop/coke, do you prefer to drink it from the bottle, a can, or after pouring it into a cup? I prefer soda over ice.
Soup: What television show are you willing to stay up late to watch? I don't watch much television, but occasionally I will watch CSI on Thursday night. It comes on at 9:00 p.m. so I'm up anyway.
Salad:Name one person, place, or thing you think of as brilliant. Niagara Falls, Canada. It is absolutely astonishing to see the falls. How anyone could not admit there is a God after seeing them is beyond me.
Main Course: Would you be willing to work 4 10-hour days instead of 5 8-hour days in order to save gas? Being that I live less than 5 miles from my office it isn't like I spend much gas going to work compared to how much others spend. I would be willing to work the 4 10-hour days though, it makes for a 3 day weekend!
Dessert: If you were a superhero, what would you call yourself? Me a superhero. . . give me a break!
Monday, June 02, 2008
Fill Me Lord

Fill me with the fruits of Your Spirit, Lord.
Fill me with love, so that I seek to understand and appreciate the rich variety and diversity of life that surrounds me.
Fill me with joy, so that I celebrate Your presence in each and every moment I am on this earth.
Fill me with peace, so that I know how to ease those angry and sometimes violent urges that well up inside of me.
Fill me with patience, so that I stop rushing long enough to witness Your miraculous work taking place all around me (and within me!)
Fill me with kindness, so that I take the extra time to help the one in need, even when it isn't convenient for me.
Fill me with faithfulness, so that I place my mind, heart and all that I do in the service of Your Will.
Fill me with gentleness, so that others know that I believe in a God who loves and cares for all people.
Fill me with self-control, so that I act not on my impulses and urges, but rather on my beliefs and values, which are rooted in You.
Fill me with these fruits of Your spirit, Lord!