Friday, February 29, 2008
Know & Tell # 8
I can't bear the sound of ____________. I can't bear the sound of hearing people ask me "What can I get you sweetie" when I don't even know them by name. This happens constantly at one of the businesses I go to in town. I am not your sweetie!
I would love to time travel back to _____________. When my parents were teenagers.
Shop alone, shop with mom or shop with friends? I prefer to shop with my daughter or with my friends. Shopping with my mom would be awesome! I miss those days. I will always treasure the Saturdays we spent grocery shopping for our homes together.
Worst movie ever? Dune, hands down. It was tempting to leave, but we were with another couple and had no choice but to stay. I thought that movie would never end.
Have you ever had your heart broken by the opposite sex (not a family member or close friend)? More times than I care to think about. I have the worst luck with the whole dating thing.
Bonus Question:
In what area of your life have you felt most judged(by others or self-condemnation)? I can't think of one particular area, but I can honestly say I judge myself more harshly than others do. I can always find something in my life I need to change.
Are you now free from this judgment, and how did you get free if you are? I'm not free from it, I still judge myself. Which at times is necessary but sometimes it's just me being down on myself.
What is one way you can be an encouragement to your pastor (or other ministers) this year? Pray for them and with them. As secretary of a church I see how stressful their jobs can be at times (and not just dealing with the members). Send notes of encouragement, point out to them how their love for the Lord has overflowed into your life, if they have small children offer to babysit so they can take their wives out for the night. Most importantly be a part of their lives Monday through Saturday and not just on Sundays. Treat them as you would any other friend, do not put them on pedestals.
I would love to time travel back to _____________. When my parents were teenagers.
Shop alone, shop with mom or shop with friends? I prefer to shop with my daughter or with my friends. Shopping with my mom would be awesome! I miss those days. I will always treasure the Saturdays we spent grocery shopping for our homes together.
Worst movie ever? Dune, hands down. It was tempting to leave, but we were with another couple and had no choice but to stay. I thought that movie would never end.
Have you ever had your heart broken by the opposite sex (not a family member or close friend)? More times than I care to think about. I have the worst luck with the whole dating thing.
Bonus Question:
In what area of your life have you felt most judged(by others or self-condemnation)? I can't think of one particular area, but I can honestly say I judge myself more harshly than others do. I can always find something in my life I need to change.
Are you now free from this judgment, and how did you get free if you are? I'm not free from it, I still judge myself. Which at times is necessary but sometimes it's just me being down on myself.
What is one way you can be an encouragement to your pastor (or other ministers) this year? Pray for them and with them. As secretary of a church I see how stressful their jobs can be at times (and not just dealing with the members). Send notes of encouragement, point out to them how their love for the Lord has overflowed into your life, if they have small children offer to babysit so they can take their wives out for the night. Most importantly be a part of their lives Monday through Saturday and not just on Sundays. Treat them as you would any other friend, do not put them on pedestals.
Random Thoughts
Thursday, February 28, 2008
It's Leap Year

The legend goes something like this: Bridget complained that her nuns were upset because they never had a chance to propose marriage (Note: At this time, the celibacy rule in religious orders was based on personal private vows and not a requirement by the church.) So, Patrick suggested that the women be given this privilege every 7 years. This wasn't good enough for Bridget. She said it should be every 4 years! So, Patrick compromised and obliged the women by saying that they could have Leap Year. Patrick felt this showed just how passive women were expected to be in those days. Much to his surprise, Bridget then proposed to him! Patrick declined her proposal. Instead he promised to give her a silk gown and a kiss.
So. . . in the British Isles during the Middle Ages there was an unwritten law that stated every single man who turned down a woman's proposal during Leap Year had to compensate her with a kiss plus either a silk gown or a pair of gloves. You can imagine what good business the dressmakers and glove makers had every four years!
Now to give the guy some warning what was up, the woman who intended to propose to a man during this time period was expected to let a red petticoat show beneath the hem of her skirt. Similar laws soon became established all over Europe. And this custom soon became legalized throughout parts of France and Italy by the 15th Century. It soon spread to the United States, but it's not taken seriously here. However, the tradition of requiring a man to soften the blow of his refusal of a marriage proposal by giving a kiss and a silk gown continued in Europe and the British Isles until it's demise in the 19th century.
There is another tradition that February 29th is also called "Bachelor's Day." This means, that February 29th is the only day out of the entire Leap Year that a woman can not propose to a man. Or if she does and the guy turns her down, he does not have to buy her a dress or kiss her. So, February 29th as "Bachelor's Day" is the one day out of the entire Leap Year the guys get a break from all this romance! But be careful. The girls can start proposing again on March 1st!
While I do not believe in any of that nonsense I could not help but laugh and think how fun it would be to have lived in France and Italy in the 15th Century. Who knows I might would have been found letting a red petticoat show beneath the hem of my skirt. Or maybe I would have done as St. Bridget and not give the man any warning!
Random Thoughts
Friday's Feast
Appetizer: Who was the last person you hugged? My two favorite people in the world, Angela and David.
Soup: Share a beauty or grooming trick or tip with us. Putting Burt's Bee Foot Cream on your feet at night and then socks make your feet smooth.
Salad: What does the color yellow make you think of ? Sunshine! Give me a yellow crayon and I'll draw you a sun to brighten up your day (okay I stole that from Angela).
Main Course: If you were to make your living as a photographer, what subject would your pictures revolve around? Nature. I'd love to capture all the magnificent things God has created.
Dessert: What was the longest book you ever read? It was the longest as in pages, but it took me the longest time to read. . . Of Mice and Men.
Soup: Share a beauty or grooming trick or tip with us. Putting Burt's Bee Foot Cream on your feet at night and then socks make your feet smooth.
Salad: What does the color yellow make you think of ? Sunshine! Give me a yellow crayon and I'll draw you a sun to brighten up your day (okay I stole that from Angela).
Main Course: If you were to make your living as a photographer, what subject would your pictures revolve around? Nature. I'd love to capture all the magnificent things God has created.
Dessert: What was the longest book you ever read? It was the longest as in pages, but it took me the longest time to read. . . Of Mice and Men.
Friday Feast
Monday, February 25, 2008
Isn't She Lovely
Just this morning we got the CD of pageant pictures. I know I am prejudice when it comes to my daughter, but to me she was stunning.
BubbleShare: Share photos - Play some Online Games.
BubbleShare: Share photos - Play some Online Games.
Family Happenings
Friday, February 22, 2008
Know & Tell # 7
Do you read or study best in silence or in a place with background noise? Why? When I'm reading I normally have background noise, but if I'm studying I have to be where there is silence so I can concentrate.
If you were to write a book about your life, what would it be called? This is something I've never given any thought, but off the top of my head it would be called "Where is He?"
Why do you think divorce is so prevalent? I can only speak from my experience. So often I think we fail to put God first in our marriage. God wants to be first in every area of our lives and therefore he wants to be first in our marriage. I also think we are self-centered people. When we go through trials in our marriage we are quick to point the finger at our spouse instead of examining ourselves to see what we have done. It's much easier to blame someone else. Instead of trying to change our spouse we would benefit from changing ourselves first. I have also seen where once children are born they become the primary focus of our life. As I said previously. . . it's God first, then our spouse, then our children, and then our jobs.
What is the best way to resist peer pressure? As I tell my children. . . please God and do not worry about what others think of you.
What is the most serious illness or injury you ever faced? Praise be to God I haven't faced a serious illness nor a serious injury yet.
When was the last time you felt like you had a good laugh with God? Some people think that God doesn't have a sense of humor. I however disagree. He has to, he made me. I'm sure there are times he is laughing with me or at me.
What do you say to someone who is going through a tragic or hard time? This is something I struggle with. A very close friend recently lost her daughter and there are times that I have no idea what to say to bring her comfort. It's at those time that I simply listen or give her a hug. A lot of times someone going through a tragic or hard time just needs someone to listen, to pray with, or a hug.
If you were to write a book about your life, what would it be called? This is something I've never given any thought, but off the top of my head it would be called "Where is He?"
Why do you think divorce is so prevalent? I can only speak from my experience. So often I think we fail to put God first in our marriage. God wants to be first in every area of our lives and therefore he wants to be first in our marriage. I also think we are self-centered people. When we go through trials in our marriage we are quick to point the finger at our spouse instead of examining ourselves to see what we have done. It's much easier to blame someone else. Instead of trying to change our spouse we would benefit from changing ourselves first. I have also seen where once children are born they become the primary focus of our life. As I said previously. . . it's God first, then our spouse, then our children, and then our jobs.
What is the best way to resist peer pressure? As I tell my children. . . please God and do not worry about what others think of you.
What is the most serious illness or injury you ever faced? Praise be to God I haven't faced a serious illness nor a serious injury yet.
When was the last time you felt like you had a good laugh with God? Some people think that God doesn't have a sense of humor. I however disagree. He has to, he made me. I'm sure there are times he is laughing with me or at me.
What do you say to someone who is going through a tragic or hard time? This is something I struggle with. A very close friend recently lost her daughter and there are times that I have no idea what to say to bring her comfort. It's at those time that I simply listen or give her a hug. A lot of times someone going through a tragic or hard time just needs someone to listen, to pray with, or a hug.
Random Thoughts
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Friday's Feast
Appetizer: Have you ever played a practical joke on anyone? If so, what did you do and who was your victim? Just recently I helped our Associate Pastor play a practical joke on one of our church members by sending a them a newsletter created just for him.
Soup: What do your salt and pepper shakers look like? They are the boring white tupperware ones.
Salad: Where is the next place you plan to visit (on vacation or business)? I want to take the kids to St. Augustine, Florida.
Main Course: What kind of lotion or cream do you use to keep your hands from getting too dry? Nivea Body.
Dessert: Make up a dessert, tell us its ingredients, and give it a name. Easy Peach Cobbler: 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar, dash of salt, 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder, 1/2 cup milk, 1 stick butter, 1 can peaches. In a small bowl, mix first 5 ingredients. Melt butter in a 9x13 inch baking dish. Pour mixture on top of butter; add peaches. Bake 45-60 minutes at 350 degrees.
Friday Feast
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Baby Shower
On Saturday we had the privilege of giving our Associate Pastor's wife, Cari, a baby shower. We are so blessed to have them here and are excited about welcoming this new child into the world. Cari was blessed to have some of her family members come as well. We are counting the days until we meet Baby Vincent!

Congratulations, Cari. This is such a wonderful time in your life and this child is blessed to have you and Joshua as parents!!

Cari with her sister, Jill, and her mother, Carol.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Grow old along with me!
The best is yet to be,
The last of life, for which the first was made:
Our times are in His hand
Who saith "A whole I planned,
Youth shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be afraid!"
The best is yet to be,
The last of life, for which the first was made:
Our times are in His hand
Who saith "A whole I planned,
Youth shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be afraid!"
Random Thoughts
Friday, February 15, 2008
Know & Tell # 6
Question 1: Did you eat candy this Valentine's Day? I ate one Hershey's Chocolate Kiss.
Question 2: What is something you do to relax? Go for a walk, read a book, or take a nice hot bubble bath.
Question 3: (From Poole's book) What is the best approach for resolving conflict?
I do not like conflict or confrontations, so I try to avoid them at all costs (normally letting people walk all over me). However, I know that conflict or confrontations don't have to be handled in a ugly way. In fact, God's Word tells us exactly how to handle these issues (Matthew 18:15-17). So when I have to deal with conflict or confrontation, I would say first of all pray and seek the Lord before going to the person you are having conflict with . . . it's also good to ask the Lord to reveal your part in the conflict, because it usually takes both parties to even have conflict. After praying go to that person in love and make sure to listen to what they have to say. When we resolve conflicts in this manner it is beneficial no matter the outcome. And I echo the words of Paul here. . . For what I do is not the good I want to do; not, the evil I do not want to do - this I keep on doing. (Romans 7:19)
Question 4: (Poole's book again) How would you define "freedom"? (this could probably be a bonus question) Not sure that I can define it, but freedom to me is found only in Christ. Jesus has already paid for my freedom. I am no longer in bondage. Now with that said, I just need to start living it.
Question 5: (Poole's book) On a scale of 1-10, how happy do you usually feel? Normally. . . 7-8. I am content with my life, although there are days when I'm down or upset that my emotions get the best of me and it shows.
Bonus Questions
Question 6: If you could choose one "SIN" that you would never have to struggle with for the rest of your life what would it be? I struggle with guarding my tongue and I so look forward to the day that this not a struggle for me.
Question 7: What is one thing that breaks your heart? It breaks my heart that there are parents (especially moms) who do not desire to have a close relationship with their children. My daughter has several friends that are either being raised by their dad (because of divorce) or by another family member. I just cannot fathom how a mom (or a father) can go through life without having a relationship with their child and it breaks my heart. I guess that is why I try to be a surrogate mom to these kids.
Question 2: What is something you do to relax? Go for a walk, read a book, or take a nice hot bubble bath.
Question 3: (From Poole's book) What is the best approach for resolving conflict?
I do not like conflict or confrontations, so I try to avoid them at all costs (normally letting people walk all over me). However, I know that conflict or confrontations don't have to be handled in a ugly way. In fact, God's Word tells us exactly how to handle these issues (Matthew 18:15-17). So when I have to deal with conflict or confrontation, I would say first of all pray and seek the Lord before going to the person you are having conflict with . . . it's also good to ask the Lord to reveal your part in the conflict, because it usually takes both parties to even have conflict. After praying go to that person in love and make sure to listen to what they have to say. When we resolve conflicts in this manner it is beneficial no matter the outcome. And I echo the words of Paul here. . . For what I do is not the good I want to do; not, the evil I do not want to do - this I keep on doing. (Romans 7:19)
Question 4: (Poole's book again) How would you define "freedom"? (this could probably be a bonus question) Not sure that I can define it, but freedom to me is found only in Christ. Jesus has already paid for my freedom. I am no longer in bondage. Now with that said, I just need to start living it.
Question 5: (Poole's book) On a scale of 1-10, how happy do you usually feel? Normally. . . 7-8. I am content with my life, although there are days when I'm down or upset that my emotions get the best of me and it shows.
Bonus Questions
Question 6: If you could choose one "SIN" that you would never have to struggle with for the rest of your life what would it be? I struggle with guarding my tongue and I so look forward to the day that this not a struggle for me.
Question 7: What is one thing that breaks your heart? It breaks my heart that there are parents (especially moms) who do not desire to have a close relationship with their children. My daughter has several friends that are either being raised by their dad (because of divorce) or by another family member. I just cannot fathom how a mom (or a father) can go through life without having a relationship with their child and it breaks my heart. I guess that is why I try to be a surrogate mom to these kids.
Random Thoughts
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Friday's Feast
Appetizer - The world is coming to an end. There's no way out. You only have time to say one thing to one person you know. What would you say, and to whom? Depending on who that one person was. If it was one of my family members I'd tell them how much I love them.
Soup - Name something you're absolutely crazy about. My children. There is nothing else in this world that means more to me than they do.
Salad - What's that nickname you don't want anybody to know about? The only nickname I have everyone is already aware of.
Main Course - Which country would you like to visit, and why? I want to visit Germany one day because I have friends there I would love to see again.
Dessert - Your favorite pet peeve? Everything has a place and when you are finished with it, put it back where you got it from.
Soup - Name something you're absolutely crazy about. My children. There is nothing else in this world that means more to me than they do.
Salad - What's that nickname you don't want anybody to know about? The only nickname I have everyone is already aware of.
Main Course - Which country would you like to visit, and why? I want to visit Germany one day because I have friends there I would love to see again.
Dessert - Your favorite pet peeve? Everything has a place and when you are finished with it, put it back where you got it from.
Friday Feast
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Are You Ready to Rumble?
Last night was the Jr. Miss Hendry County Pageant. David and I along with several of our friends from church went to support and cheer Angela on. We had a great time not only because Angela was in the pageant, but several of her close friends (Jeri Lynne,Cheyenne, Brenna, and Chelesa) were in it as well. This year's theme was sports and each girl had to choose a sport for their introduction. Angela chose Skateboarding! All the girls did a great job and we were very proud of them. Angela won the award for the "most improved", Chelesa was 4th runner up, and Brenna was 3rd runner up.
Here are pictures from the night.
Here are pictures from the night.
Family Happenings,
Time with Friends
What We've Been Up To
It seems like for the past month we have been out of town every Saturday for some reason or another. Mainly because we had to shop for a dress and sports attire for the pageant Angela was in on Monday night. Although we didn't have to go out of town this past Saturday we stayed busy.
On Friday night, I got together with some women from our church for another "girls night out". We ate dinner and then went to see "Bucket List". If you have not seen this movie, go see it. It's worth seeing!
On Saturday morning Angela was in the County Fair Parade. So after dropping her off to ride in the parade, I went to our church to watch the parade. I was joined there by our Pastor and his family, Hueland, David, and Chris. David and Chris have gotten in the habit of watching the parade from the roof of our church but they were there none the less.
BubbleShare: Share photos - eco-friendly toys
After watching the parade we went home to do our chores. David and Chris went to West Palm Beach bowling, Angela got her nails done for the pageant on Monday night. Phyllis, Linda and I had planned on going to the fairgrounds to watch the Miss Hendry County Pageant but it was pouring rain so we decided to go eat and make a trip to Wal-Mart. However, Angela braved the down pour to go support the older girls.
On Friday night, I got together with some women from our church for another "girls night out". We ate dinner and then went to see "Bucket List". If you have not seen this movie, go see it. It's worth seeing!
On Saturday morning Angela was in the County Fair Parade. So after dropping her off to ride in the parade, I went to our church to watch the parade. I was joined there by our Pastor and his family, Hueland, David, and Chris. David and Chris have gotten in the habit of watching the parade from the roof of our church but they were there none the less.
BubbleShare: Share photos - eco-friendly toys
After watching the parade we went home to do our chores. David and Chris went to West Palm Beach bowling, Angela got her nails done for the pageant on Monday night. Phyllis, Linda and I had planned on going to the fairgrounds to watch the Miss Hendry County Pageant but it was pouring rain so we decided to go eat and make a trip to Wal-Mart. However, Angela braved the down pour to go support the older girls.
Family Happenings,
Time with Friends
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Know & Tell # 5
Friday's Feast is down so I decided to go ahead and post Know & Tell a day early. Enjoy!
Question 1: How often do you get real sick? I can't recall the last time I was really sick. I get a cold maybe once a year, but that is about it.
Question 2:Do you usually send serious or humorous greeting cards? Why? Depends on who I'm sending a card to. I have to admit that serious greeting cards make me weepy. I tend to buy the blank greeting cards and write my own message.
Question 3:Are you a person who has a whole lot of acquaintances, or just a few very close friends? I have both. The close friends are the ones that I share my heart with, while the acquaintances are the ones that just see the surface stuff.
Question 4: If you could cure a disease, or heal a sickness, which one would you choose? This one is tough. . . I'd love to find a cure for all the diseases out there. Cancer and Alzheimers would be two on the top of my list.
Bonus Questions
Question 5: What does "being spiritual" mean to you? "Being spiritual" to me sounds fake. Let me explain. . . there are many people I've come across that say they are spiritual but when you begin to talk to them about the Bible or things of God they look at you as if you have a third eye or something. I don't refer to myself as being spiritual. I have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, whose blood has cleansed me from all sin, and it is the Holy Spirit that lives in me that draws me daily to live a life that glorifies and points others to Him. It is only through faith by grace that I have been saved.
Question 6: Imagine you were talking to someone who did not believe in God and Jesus... How would you explain to them that Jesus is Real (from your experiences in your own life)? By just telling them how he has worked in my life, about the joy and hope I have in Him.
Question 1: How often do you get real sick? I can't recall the last time I was really sick. I get a cold maybe once a year, but that is about it.
Question 2:Do you usually send serious or humorous greeting cards? Why? Depends on who I'm sending a card to. I have to admit that serious greeting cards make me weepy. I tend to buy the blank greeting cards and write my own message.
Question 3:Are you a person who has a whole lot of acquaintances, or just a few very close friends? I have both. The close friends are the ones that I share my heart with, while the acquaintances are the ones that just see the surface stuff.
Question 4: If you could cure a disease, or heal a sickness, which one would you choose? This one is tough. . . I'd love to find a cure for all the diseases out there. Cancer and Alzheimers would be two on the top of my list.
Bonus Questions
Question 5: What does "being spiritual" mean to you? "Being spiritual" to me sounds fake. Let me explain. . . there are many people I've come across that say they are spiritual but when you begin to talk to them about the Bible or things of God they look at you as if you have a third eye or something. I don't refer to myself as being spiritual. I have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, whose blood has cleansed me from all sin, and it is the Holy Spirit that lives in me that draws me daily to live a life that glorifies and points others to Him. It is only through faith by grace that I have been saved.
Question 6: Imagine you were talking to someone who did not believe in God and Jesus... How would you explain to them that Jesus is Real (from your experiences in your own life)? By just telling them how he has worked in my life, about the joy and hope I have in Him.
Random Thoughts
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Worst Movie Dialogue
I can't believe this movie line has been nominated for "Worst Movie Line Dialogue". I loved this line. . . ''I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.'' Anybody want to guess what movie it's from?
Random Thoughts
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Happy Birthday Jim
Tonight we enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Jim & Phyllis' house with several friends to celebrate Jim's birthday. Phyllis is a marvelous cook and tonights dinner was delicious as always. Jim is wonderful example of a godly husband and father. His love for his wife, his family and his friends is very evident. I rejoice that Jim is such a vital part of our family's life and pray that he will celebrate many more birthdays!
BubbleShare: Share photos - Play some Online Games.
BubbleShare: Share photos - Play some Online Games.
Time with Friends
Friday, February 01, 2008
Know & Tell # 4
1. Who do you wish you could meet? I would love to meet Carolyn McCulley. From reading her blog, she seems like such a wonderful woman.
2. Best food comes from which country? While I enjoy Italian, Chinese, and Mexican food, I have to admit I prefer American food the most.
3. If you are familiar with the movie/musical "Grease", what girl character would you be (let's apply this lightly...I know some of the behaviors of the girls was not too nice). I remember the movie, but can't remember all of the personalities. I'd love to say that I'm like Sandy, but I'm not. Being honest about and from what I remember about the girls in the movie, I'd say Rizzo.
4. Would you be more likely to toilet paper someone's house, or would you be the one that has their house toilet papered? I'd be the one that has their house papered. I'm not brave enough to do it to someone's house.
5. Do you like small talk, or deep conversations? I enjoy both, but would much rather have deep conversations with my friends and family.
Bonus Questions
6.Who do you most want to encourage this year? I want to encourage my children, but also my friends who are having to make hard decisions.
7.If those who know you best gave you one piece of advice, what would they say? To guard my mouth and my attitude.
Would they be right? Yes!
What will you do about it? I constantly struggle with both of these. I've been trying to guard my tongue and my emotions. It has helped that I continually ask God to guard my tongue and grant me self-control. Asking them to hold me accountable helps as well.
2. Best food comes from which country? While I enjoy Italian, Chinese, and Mexican food, I have to admit I prefer American food the most.
3. If you are familiar with the movie/musical "Grease", what girl character would you be (let's apply this lightly...I know some of the behaviors of the girls was not too nice). I remember the movie, but can't remember all of the personalities. I'd love to say that I'm like Sandy, but I'm not. Being honest about and from what I remember about the girls in the movie, I'd say Rizzo.
4. Would you be more likely to toilet paper someone's house, or would you be the one that has their house toilet papered? I'd be the one that has their house papered. I'm not brave enough to do it to someone's house.
5. Do you like small talk, or deep conversations? I enjoy both, but would much rather have deep conversations with my friends and family.
Bonus Questions
6.Who do you most want to encourage this year? I want to encourage my children, but also my friends who are having to make hard decisions.
7.If those who know you best gave you one piece of advice, what would they say? To guard my mouth and my attitude.
Would they be right? Yes!
What will you do about it? I constantly struggle with both of these. I've been trying to guard my tongue and my emotions. It has helped that I continually ask God to guard my tongue and grant me self-control. Asking them to hold me accountable helps as well.
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